The series takes place in Beverly Hills, California, and follows a fictional "Teen Club", consisting of a group of wealthy teenagers, shown to be approximately sixteen years old. Common settings include the teens' palatial high school, the country club, the local salon and spa, and the shopping thoroughfare on Rodeo Drive. The lead protagonist is Larke, a blonde-haired, blue-eyed high school student and fashion model who is shown to be kind and generous to her friends. Her romantic lead is handsome heartthrob Troy, who, like Larke, is shown to be genial and likable, and is often the object of affection for the other girls.
Les aventures de la belle Laura et de ses amis : le beau Phil, Jett et son copain Bill dont la musique est la seule préoccupation, Jean-Pierre le petit génie inventif de la bande, Pipelette la journaliste, Diane la cavalière, Hervé le passionné de surf, Anna la nunuche, Paul le séducteur obnubilé par son look etc. Le belle et machiavélique Bianca et de son souffre-douleur Edouard : ces derniers ne cessent d'échafauder des plans pour nuire au reste du groupe et procurer à Bianca la gloire et la reconnaissance dont elle rêve...
La serie racconta le divertenti avventure di un gruppo di adolescenti benestanti che vivono appunto nella zona ricca di Los Angeles. Tra avventure amorose, giri in Ferrari, gite in barca e giornate dedicate allo shopping più sfrenato, si svolgono le vite di questi giovani viziati a cui niente o quasi è proibito. A Beverly Hills è possibile incontrare Roy l'idolo delle ragazze, Campione lo sportivo amante del surf, Bianca la snob, Laura la bella del gruppo, Shanelle la ragazza di colore, Betty l'amazzone, gli amanti del rock Jett e Gig, Microchip il genio.
Die Teenager Larke, Troy, Bianca, Monty, Winshire und Chester leben in Beverly Hills, dem Nobelviertel vor Los Angeles. Zusammen unternehmen die Jugendlichen alles, was Spaß macht: sie surfen in Malibu, fahren in ihren exclusiven Sportwagen auf dem Sunset Boulevard, shoppen, amüsieren sich im Club, oder dem dem Club angeschlossenen riesigen Freizeitgelände.