Donna fortæller Kelly, at David har friet til hende, men Kelly har svært ved at forstå, hvorfor Donna tøver med at sige ja. Efter sin brors død, overvejer Matt at flytte til New York og hjælpe sin svigerinde med at opfostre det barn, som han er surrogatfar til. Kelly har det svært med Matt’s nye rolle som far, og da hun samtidigt bliver overmandet at sine følelser for Dylan, bryder hun forlovelsen med Matt. Steve er utilfreds med, at Janet er så opslugt af sin karriere, idet han føler sig isoleret som hjemmegående far.
Nach einem ewigen Hin- und Her und ein paar turbulenten Ritten auf der Gefühls-Achterbahn, heißt es für David und Donna: „Wir wollen heiraten!“ Kelly löst unterdessen die Verlobung mit Matt. Sie kann ihm seinen Seitensprung nicht verzeihen.
In part one of the series finale, David expresses his feelings for Donna by writing her a giant love note in the sand. He is understanding about her reluctance to accept his proposal. He believes that she is having trouble reconciling her dreams of the perfect marriage with reality. A talk with Janet prompts Donna to realize that her expectations have been unreasonable. She tells David that she loves him and wants to spend the rest of her life with him. Dylan graduates from California University. Matt considers moving to New York to help her sister-in-law raise his child (for whom he was the surrogate father). He declares that he will stay in Los Angeles for Kelly. Kelly, unable to fight her feelings for Dylan, calls off the engagement. Matt assumes that Dylan told her about his indiscretion in the desert. Kelly lashes out at Dylan for failing to disclose this information. Janet is distressed to learn that she must compete for the editorship of Nouveau, which Yoffe had led her to believe was already hers. She feels left out as Steve strengthens his bond with Maddy. Ellen asks Noah for a commitment in order to protect Caitlin from potential heartache. He declines because the relationship is moving too quickly for him. Music 'New America' by Bad Religion.
En apprenant que Matt l'a trompée, Kelly decide de rompre avec lui...
En la primera parte del final de la serie, David expresa sus sentimientos por Donna escribiéndole una nota de amor gigante en la arena. Él comprende su renuencia a aceptar su propuesta. Él cree que a ella le cuesta conciliar sus sueños de un matrimonio perfecto con la realidad. Una charla con Janet hace que Donna se dé cuenta de que sus expectativas no han sido razonables. Ella le dice a David que lo ama y que quiere pasar el resto de su vida con él. Dylan se gradúa de la Universidad de California. Matt considera mudarse a Nueva York para ayudar a su cuñada a criar a su hijo (de quien él era el padre sustituto). Declara que se quedará en Los Ángeles por Kelly. Kelly, incapaz de luchar contra sus sentimientos por Dylan, cancela el compromiso. Matt asume que Dylan le contó sobre su indiscreción en el desierto