Blíží se Vánoce. Andreu přijali na Yale a Jay se s ní rozchází. Nikki se stěhuje zpět k rodičům. Brandon se s Andreou líbají, ale pak se navzájem obviňují, že mysleli na své bývalé. Kelly, Brenda a Dylan si slíbí, že budou jen kamarádi, ale všichni slib poruší. Všichni jsou na sebe naštvaní a jedou předat dárky opuštěným dětem. Mají se srazit s náklaďákem, ale andělé Miriam a Clarence jim zachrání život.
Jay hat mit Andrea per Brief Schluss gemacht. Nikki ist zurück nach San Francisco gezogen und hat Brandon verlassen. Jetzt kommen sich die beiden gebrochenen Herzen näher. Die Dreiecksbeziehung zwischen Brenda, Dylan und Kelly bricht derweil auseinander. David beschließt ein Jahr zu überspringen und gemeinsam mit der ganzen Clique seinen Abschluss zu machen.
Steve becomes friends with a guy in detention through their interest in cars. Steve and Brandon win a lot of money betting on Joe in a car race, but Dylan warns that the whole thing may be a scam. Steve and Brandon agree to bankroll Joe in a high-stakes race against drug dealer Frank Padilla. Brandon realizes that their opponent may be the guy who ran over Andrea. While Brandon contacts the police, Steve tries to stall by insisting that he be allowed to race Padilla. The two get into an argument and agree to a deadly game of 'chicken,' but Dylan comes between them. Andrea identifies Padilla as the hit-and-run driver. Brenda and Kelly agree to a double-date with two guys from Princeton, only to find that they are geeks from the Princeton School in Encino. Donna takes over David's radio show while he tries to catch up on his studies in the hopes of graduating early. David is initially critical of her performance, but acknowledges that she did well and asks her to become his permanent co-host. Music: 'Bend Time Back Around' by Paula Abdul, 'Got 2 Have U' by Color Me Badd, 'All the Way to Heaven' by Jody Watley, 'Let Me Be Your Baby' by Geoffrey Williams, 'Crystal Blue Persuasion' by Tommy James and the Shondells, 'She's Not There' by the Zombies, 'Walk on the Wild Side' by Lou Reed, 'Stand by Me' by Ben E. King.
Steve se retrouve en classe de détention avant l'école. Il y rencontre une personne qui a fait des courses de voitures illégales dans la banlieue de Los Angeles... Brenda et Kelly acceptent de devenir, à tour de rôle, la compagne de Dylan...
Steve e Brandon finiscono nel mondo delle corse clandestine e questa scelta pericolosa li porta alla persona che potrebbe essere il responsabile dell'incidente di Andrea. David decide di diplomarsi un anno prima per poter andare all'università insieme ai suoi amici ma questa scelta gli lascia poco tempo per potersi dedicare al lavoro di DJ al West Beverly. Brenda e Kelly accettano un doppio appuntamento con due ragazzi di Princeton ma scoprono che i loro accompagnatori non sono proprio da sogno.
Andrea está ahora completamente recuperada de su accidente, y decide ser hipnotizada para recordar cualquier cosa relacionada con el accidente y con el culpable. Así empieza a recordar algo que la lleva a reconocer a Frank Padilla, un tipo que realiza carreras ilegales, al que Brandon y Steve conocen y que termina siendo arrestado. Donna debe sustituir a David como DJ del instituto porque él debe concentrarse en los estudios si quiere graduarse junto con el resto de la pandilla. Kelly tiene celos de Brenda cuando esta está con Dylan y lo mismo le ocurre a Brenda cuando ve a Kelly y Dylan juntos.