A romantic comedy about the Ling Wu family who have a tradition of matchmaking since the Jin Dynasty. Appointed as the Official Matchmakers during the Tang Dynasty, a son to carry on the family tradition becomes even more important. The head of the family is very ill during the birth of his child -- hoping that the Old Master will get better, his first wife informs him that he finally has a "son" by his second wife to take over the family business. But he dies right after naming his "son", Ling Wu Hei. Only the first wife and one servant know that Ling Wu Hei is not a son, but another daughter. Even her real mother does not know. Ling Wu Hei grows up to be educated in the Classics, skilled in the martial arts and as the honorable head of the family and the Official Matchmaker, judges disputes among matchmakers and their clients.
Things become interesting when the Lin family has an open competition with a large reward for a suitable son-in-law. This attracts both the honest and not so honest matchmakers. Go Fei, a skilled former military official, appears, searching for his ideal bride, the young woman named "Xin" who rescued him. Ling Wu Hei also has her own problems with her lazy brothers-in-law who are working in the family business. Golden Fan struggles to get the best of Chuen Ka Fuk, a rogue and a genius at marketing, who seems to be going after her own matchmaking clients. Couples are matched up, problems arise ... will Ling Wu Hei's secret be uncovered? What will happen to her position? Will Go Fei find his love? What is Chuen Ka Fuk's secret? Will Golden Fan resolve her dispute with Chuen Ka Fuk?
This is a lighthearted, entertaining romantic comedy of misadventures with happy endings galore!
据晋书记载,令狐老人梦见自己走在冰湖之上,忽闻冰裂之声,竟见冰下有人,赫然惊醒。有解梦人解说“冰上为阳、冰下为阴”,男女配婚之事为“阴阳”;解梦人更预言令孤策将为他人作媒说亲,而冰破之时,便是成功之日,自此担当媒妁之人,是为“冰人”也。历朝君主为求繁衍人口,将“冰人”纳入官别之内,统筹全国婚配,故此“冰人”一业除有私媒外,更有官媒的出现。及至唐代,此制更趋成熟,更在唐高宗永徽三年,撰写了《唐律疏议》,成为最早的封建婚姻法典。 三位号称天下第一媒的冰人,走遍江湖以撮合天下有情人,最后终获册封为“金牌冰人”。长安鼎鼎大名的林家重金招婿,各方媒人莫不垂涎。为人无赖但重情,自号“金鹊桥”的全家福与同在私媒界中享负盛名的“金葵扇”连百合初次交锋,出身世家的杨州神捕高斐是两人的争夺对象。双方各不相让,官媒令狐喜因而有机可乘。然而斐心中另有所属,乔扮男装的喜最终没能坐收渔人之利,反却爱上了斐。为了世袭官媒之位,又怕欺君犯上,喜只好将爱意埋藏。家福和百合深明两犬相斗,必有一伤,于是合作开设“一线牵”冰人馆以尽揽说媒生意。不料开张当日,二人始发现双方父母早订下媒妁之言,原来当天家福逃婚的对象就近在眼前。朝廷颁下配婚令,凡达适婚龄者皆需在一年内成婚,众人皆为找寻另一半而团团转……