In the premiere of a reality series about a Dallas funeral home specializing in elaborate ceremonies called "home-goings" that are tailored to the lives of the deceased, a woman who was a bowler is honored with a down-the-lane send-off; and a wedding-funeral combination is planned for a couple who passed away less than a year apart.
A man who loved breakfast so much he ate it three times a day is honored by his family; a track-and-field-theme funeral is held for a former Olympic athlete.
A Hollywood-theme funeral is planned by a woman's children; a casket is dipped in chocolate to honor a man who loved candy.
The crew turn into zombies to celebrate the life of a horror fan; a game-show-theme funeral is no easy task for planners.
A Western-theme funeral is requested by a prominent pastor's family; a die-hard football fan is honored with a tribute to his life's passion.
A former boxing champion gets one more round in the ring. Also: a Hawaiian-theme funeral.
The family of John Floyd Dunham wants to throw this train evangelist a good ol' country music funeral. The only problem -- no one at Golden Gate knows a thing about country music. The team faces their toughest challenge yet.