In this world, there exists a man who cares not for the glory of victory, but rather the pay and the thrill of battle. This man is known as the mercenary Guts, who carries upon his shoulder an enormous sword, and soon to his fortune or misfortune, the mercenary band is known as the Band of the Hawk and their leader, Griffith...
Their worth has been proven to be of use to the Midland army's effort in the war against Chuder, but now a far greater challenge awaits the Band of the Hawk in their greatest challenge yet: Sieging and taking back the fortress of Doldrey and possibly ending the ongoing Hundred Year War!
The dreaded Hundred Year War has come to a long-sought conclusion, thanks to the ever-ascending Band of the Hawk. However, even with this victory, can Guts truly feel happy as he remembers the words Griffith spoke about friends and equals?
In this world, is the destiny of mankind pre-determined by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of god hovering above? At least it is true, that man has now control. Even over his own will...
Sleepless nights shall begin
Sparks of the sword shall fly again
The wheels of fate have begun to turn
A new journey begins, an old rivalry returns
Stare long enough into the abyss, and it shall stare back at you
Rage overpowers Fear