All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Pirates

    • PBS

    Ernie and Bert are pirates, looking for treasure on the open sea. They come to an island, where a monkey steals their map, and they have to swap Bert's clothes to get it back. They find a happy face, and dig up a treasure chest full of socks, which Bert finds exciting, but Ernie doesn't. Their lifeboat has floated away from the shore, so they use the treasure chest as a floating device and the socks as sails.

  • S01E02 Deep Seas

    • PBS

    Ernie is in high spirits to dive to find the Eight-Legged-Wonder. However, he’s going solo as Bert is reluctant to join in the watery fun. But when Rubber Duckie’s safety is on the line, Bert takes a chance, saves Duckie, and realizes just how fun new things can be.

  • S01E03 Tiny Town

    • August 11, 2008
    • PBS

    Ernie and Bert find themselves in Tiny Town, where they are tiny, and everything around them is enormous. They have fun playing with a remote-control car, and making friends with a giant puppy.

  • S01E04 Planet Bert

    • PBS

    Ernie and Bert are astronauts, traveling through space in their Rubber Duckie-shaped spaceship. They land on a distant planet and befriend a group of aliens, who bear a striking resemblance to Bert. They invite Ernie to play with them, which makes Bert feel left out and very shy about making friends with the aliens. They then discover that they all share a love for pigeons. They all have fun doing his pigeon dance.

  • S01E05 Inventors

    • PBS

    Bert and Ernie are now the world’s greatest inventors, making their latest creation. They name their new robot Frankie and begin commanding it to do things, such as squeaking Ernie’s duckie or yodeling. Bert makes him do something “useful” by making Frankie knit him some argyle socks. He leaves to get a pair as a visual aid, leaving Ernie alone with the robot. Frankie gets carried away with Ernie’s orders and makes a mess of the lab. Bert stops the madness by asking Frankie to “please stop.” He makes Ernie and Frankie clean up, then joins them in their clean-up dance.

  • S01E06 Pigeonia

    • PBS

    Ernie, Bert and Bernice travel the deserts of Pigeonia looking for a lost pigeon temple that contains "The Treasure of the Golden Pigeon".

  • S01E07 Superheroes

    • PBS

    Bert and Ernie find themselves in Superheropolis, which means they're superheroes! As Super Pigeon and Rubber Duckie Man they must stop the Mad Pancake—who's stolen Super Pigeon's breakfast!

  • S01E08 Cavemen

    • PBS

    Ernie and Bert are cavemen. Since they have no grocery stores or restaurants, they must find food on their own. Ernie finds a giant egg in a nest and he and Bert take it back to their cave. When Bert starts to cook it, it hatches and a baby dinosaur emerges, calling the attention of the Mama Dinosaur. After getting chased, they see how sad the mother is without her baby, so they give him back and are rewarded with bananas to eat.

  • S01E09 Mountain Climbers

    • PBS

    While climbing the Alps, Bert and Ernie meet Heidi and her rambunctious goat. When the goat tries to take a bite of Ernie’s cuckoo-clock, it is nearly thrown off a cliff and it’s up to Bert and Ernie to save it.

  • S01E10 Wild West

    • PBS

    Now cowboys in the old west, Sheriff Ernie and Deputy Bert must find Clarice the Cow, the only source of milk in the area. A singing cactus tells them she’s in Horseshoe Gulch. They head for the town on their “taxi” (a donkey named Speedy). Ernie hears “cow sounds” coming from the saloon and lo and behold, they see Clarice dancing with Billy the Bull. They use the element of surprise to enter, but she reveals that she and Billy are going on a world tour and their carriage is arriving at “high noon”. They try to convince her to stay by making Bert be her dancing partner, but he’s dancing is not up to her standards. Bert believes she could make the world come to her, which touches her and she decides to stay. Ernie, Bert and Speedy enjoy some fresh milk.

  • S01E11 Knights

    • PBS

    Sir Bert and Sir Ernie are Knights who must rescue Princess Duckie from her high tower, which is guarded by a dragon. They discover that the dragon has two weaknesses: fear of water, and love of praise. After scaring the dragon a bit, they convince it to help them save the Princess by giving it a little praise.

  • S01E12 Penguin

    • PBS

    Bert and Ernie find themselves in Antarctica befriended by a bossy penguin who enlists Bert to be Daddy Penguin. As Bert leans, keeping an egg safe and warm is easier than it sounds, especially when you're surrounded by snowy hills and ice!

  • S01E13 Invisible

    • PBS

    Bert and Ernie visit their friend Doug in Invisble Land, where nobody can be seen. They're having fun until they're asked to babysit Doug's little sister Zippy.

  • S01E14 Piano Movers

    • PBS

    Bert and Ernie are movers who are asked to move a Grand Piano up the stairs of Ostrich Lady's mansion. Of course, this is much easier said than done.

  • S01E15 Rainforest

    • PBS

    As ecologists, Bert and Ernie must preserve and protect the plants and animals of the rain forest. Unfortunately, this rain forest has a displaced beaver with the ambition to build a Grand Opera House! It's up to Bert and Ernie to convince the beaver the importance of the rain forest before he gnaws down all the trees for his Opera House.

  • S01E16 Bakers

    • PBS

    Ernie and Bert are working in a bakery. They get a call from Big Bob, who makes a huge order for "Chocolate Surprise", a pastry they're never even heard of before, and he wants it in only a short while. In a panic, Bert carefully follows the instructions from a cookbook for big orders, while Ernie less-than-carefully throws the ingredients together, making a mess of the bakery. Big Bob arrives, and is very pleased with their work, as their mess turns out to be exactly the Chocolate Surprise that he had ordered.

  • S01E17 Rodeo

    • PBS

    Bert and Ernie are rodeo clowns at a Western State Fair. While they are rehearsing their act, Ernie gets recruited to stand in for a missing bull rider. Macho Miguel, one of the regular riders, doesn't like the competition and decides to make sure Ernie gets a very dangerous ride. Bert catches wind of the plan, and tries to save his buddy Ernie.

  • S01E18 Wizards

    • PBS

    Elmo joins Bert and Ernie at Wizard School. Unfortunately, Elmo turns their teacher Marlon into a frog, and now they need the feather of a two-headed Fangriff in order to cast the spell that will turn him back.

  • S01E19 Cliptecs

    • PBS

    Bert and Ernie are being given a tour of the land of the Cliptecs by their guide, Lorenzo Llama. The Cliptecs are a tribe of people who love paperclips. Bert has brought with him a magnet to attract paperclips, and the Cliptecs think he has special powers. They instantly declare him King. But their time is short, and Ernie wants to hear the Squeaking Duckies of Quacku Picchu, so Bert must give up his throne.

  • S01E20 Museum Guards

    • PBS

    Bert and Ernie are night museum guards, and a lady in a portrait has magically asked them for help. They enter the world of the painting where they discover that she only needs help getting her son Angelo to eat his dinner.

  • S01E21 Ernlock Holmes

    • PBS

    In a parody of Sherlock Holmes, with Ernie as Holmes, and Bert as Watson, they solve the mystery of Lady Lulu's missing duckling, Lily. The trail leads them to discover that maybe Lily wasn't what Lulu thought she was after all.

  • S01E22 Secret Agents

    • PBS

    00-Bert and 00-Ernie are secret agents whose mission is to stop the mischievous Dr. Nose from putting fake noses on everyone and everything. They chase him to his hideout on Nose Mountain where they try to unmask Dr. Nose and reveal his true identity.

  • S01E23 Three Wishes

    • PBS

    Ernie and Bert are now in an Arabian town, where Ernie finds a dusty old lamp. He rubs it and a genie waitress comes out and grants them three wishes. Ernie wishes for a "Duckie Touch", where everything he touches turns into Rubber Duckies. This story is a mixture of the Aladdin story from One Thousand and One Nights, and the King Midas story from Greek mythology.

  • S01E24 Chariot

    • PBS

    Bert and Ernie are chariot racers in ancient Rome. They must race Porkus Maximus and Horsus, the fastest racers in the Empire. All they've got is Fred the donkey to pull their chariot. They discover that every time they make Fred laugh, he sprints faster than any horse could. Now they need to make sure they keep Fred laughing in order to catch Porkus Maximus.

  • S01E25 Kung Fu

    • PBS

    Bert and Ernie are the guardians of the Royal Chrysanthemum, the most beautiful and fragile flower in the kingdom. While they're practicing their Kung Fu, a flower-loving monkey sneaks into the palace and steals the flower. Bert and Ernie use their Kung Fu to get the Royal Chrysanthemum back.

  • S01E26 Beach

    • PBS

    Ernie and Bert visit the beach with Bertina, Bert's surfer cousin. They are accompanied by Moose, Bertina's hyper-competitive friend. He makes every beach game they play a competition, until Moose and Bertina get taken by the Big Wave. Bert and Ernie go into Lifeguard-mode to rescue them.

Season 2

  • S02E01 Aliens

    • PBS

    Ernie and Bert go camping and meet two aliens.

  • S02E02 Magicians

    • PBS

    Ernie and Bert are magicians and are having difficulties pulling a rabbit out of the hat, they end up chasing it inside the magical land in the hat.

  • S02E03 Bird Games

    • PBS

    Bert and Ernie are coaching rubber duckie and Bernice in the bird Olympics.

  • S02E04 Meet the Loch Ness Monster

    • PBS

    Bert and Ernie are visiting Loch Ness in Scotland.

  • S02E05 Butterfinger

    • PBS

    00-Bert and 00-Ernie chases the villain Butterfinger.

  • S02E06 The Computer Bug

    • PBS

    Repairman Ernie and repairman Bert tries to hunt down a computer bug.

  • S02E07 Maltese Ducky

    • PBS

    Duck-Detectives Bert and Ernie are called upon by Veronica Lambshank to investigate the strange behaviors of her friend who claims to be a "Maltese duck".

  • S02E08 In Search of Platypus

    • PBS

    Ernie and Bert are out in the Australian wilderness looking for a platypus.

  • S02E09 Puzzle Planet

    • PBS

    Bert and Ernie land on a quiz planet. Their Rubber Duckie-shaped spaceship sinks down in the ground. Two aliens offer their help if they are able to win the quiz.

  • S02E10 Raincloud

    • PBS

    Ernie and Bert are now owners of a farm with a poor crop. Ernie thinks that if he asks the single, small cloud in the sky, he will rain and the crops will liven up. The cloud complies and replenishes their crop. However, he follows them inside their home to make it rain inside as well. Bert explains he belongs outdoors and the cloud agrees.

  • S02E11 Invent the Wheel

    • PBS

    Ernie and Bert are cavemen. While building a house for their pet dinosaur, they discover various uses for a round stone.

  • S02E12 On the Island

    • PBS

    Bert and Ernie gets a little to far out from the beach on their air mattress, luckily theres a little island close by that they can reach.

  • S02E13 Car Mechanics

    • PBS

    Bert and Ernie are now car mechanics and Ernie now has an affinity for being a singing car mechanic. A lady ostrich brings her car in and heads out. Ernie discovers the car moves when he sings, so he and Bert get in and make it fly by singing, but Ernie takes them on a treacherous trail. After landing back in the garage, the ostrich comes back and tries singing, but is horribly off-key. Bert actives the radio and she goes flying.

  • S02E14 Walking Buttercup

    • PBS

    Ernie and Bert have been hired to take care of a dog.

  • S02E15 Amazing Frog

    • PBS

    Ernie tries his new frog friend, Froggy, to win the frog leaping race. The frog seems to be more interested in eating and giving Bert kisses.

  • S02E16 Get the Yeti

    • PBS

    Bert and Ernie are going to find a very rare pigeon shaped flower on the top of a mountain, however they are not alone a Yeti are nearby.

  • S02E17 Bert the Pigeon

    • PBS

    Ernie hypnotizes Bert to believe that he is a pigeon.

  • S02E18 Lost Elephant

    • PBS

    On safari in East Africa, Ernie and Bert find a baby elephant who has lost his mommy.

  • S02E19 Flower Shop

    • PBS

    Mr. Boss, flower shop owner, asks his newest workers, Bert and Ernie, to watch his plants while he goes out, only Ernie doesn't pay attention to the very careful instructions he lays out.

  • S02E20 The Three Duck-Keteers

    • PBS
  • S02E21 Raiders of the Lost Duckies

    • PBS

    Ernie, Bert and Rubber Duckie are about to travel through the treacherous Duck Cave to find the Wise Old Duck and ask him a very important question. Using their map, they come across the first landmark of the cave – The Feather Tunnel, which causes anyone who touches the feathers to laugh. Next, they swing across the Great Egg Pit. Finally, they find a large duck egg, which means the Wise Old Duck is near. The Wise Old Duck emerges and Ernie asks the question: “Which came first – the Duckie or the egg?” The WOD cannot think of an answer, as Bert accidentally knocks over the large duck egg and it begins to roll. They all escape and Ernie realizes the answer to his question: to him, Rubber Duckie will always come first.

  • S02E22 Dustbusters

    • PBS

    Bert and Ernie, "Dustbusters", have been hired by a women to remove all the dust from her home. However, Ernie's sophisticated tools to capture the dust bunnies make for a big mess and eventually a large dust bunny.

  • S02E23 Dr. Bird Whistle

    • PBS

    Secret agents Bert and Ernie try to stop Dr. Bird Whistle from capturing birds.

  • S02E24 Under the Sea

    • PBS

    Bert and Ernie are enjoying a day at sea, when Ernie spots a character in the water, which Bert doesn't believe. Ernie dives under and meets Ethyl Mermaid, who plays tag with him. Meanwhile, a nasty rat parks his boat right next to Bert and begins tossing trash into the water. Ethyl agrees to meet Bert, but gets caught in some of the rat's garbage. Bert and the rat hear her air bubbles popping with yelling coming from them and offer to help. The rat attaches his anchor to the trash and pulls, setting her free. They then collect the trash from the ocean floor.

  • S02E25 Donnie Quixote

    • PBS
  • S02E26 Gopher Broke

    • PBS

    Ernie and Bert look for Rubber Duckie in a series of gopher tunnels.