Yo gets a lot of hassle from the class president, Ume Shiraume, due to him hanging around Hana. As Yo and Hana go to a supermarket, they meet a kendo club member named Yamahara, who invites them to join a group called the Hounds, who use teamwork to help members get half-priced bento. As Yo and Hana take a trial period with the group, Yo feels the bento he obtains this method don't taste as good as he thinks. After reminiscing about old times, Yo turns down Yamahara's offer, realising that food tastes best when you fight for it. Having realised the true meaning of half-price bento, Sen gives Yo and Hana keys to the club room. The next morning, Yo finds his childhood friend, Ayame Shaga, sleeping in his bed.
Yo es golpeado por el presidente de la clase, Ume Shiraume, debido a él dando vueltas Hana. Como YO y Hana ir a un supermercado, se encuentran con un miembro del club de kendo llamado Yamahara, que los invita a unirse a un grupo llamado los Sabuesos, que utilizan el trabajo en equipo para ayudar a los miembros llegar a mitad de precio Bento.
Quando Yo e Hana vanno al supermercato, incontrano un membro del club di kendo di nome Yamahara, che li invita ad unirsi al suo gruppo: la Gang dei Segugi, un gruppo che grazie al lavoro di squadra riesce ad ottenere i bento a metà prezzo.