Yo goes to visit Sen, who had been absent from school with a cold, where she discusses plans to fight against the twins for eel bentos in a few days. After another defeat by the twins, Yo and Ren learn from Ayame that they are the daughters of a chain store owner who came over from Yumehiro. Ren travels to Yumehiro to find out more while Ayame passes on Sen's message to the twins, although Sen's cold has gotten worse. Ren learns that, three years ago, the twins were driven out of Yumehiro by a brawler known as The Club of Hercules.
YO va a visitar a Sen, que había estado ausente de la escuela con un resfriado, donde se discute planes para luchar contra los gemelos de bentos anguila en unos pocos días. Después de otra derrota por los gemelos, YO y Ren aprende de Ayame que son las hijas del dueño de una cadena de tiendas que llegó de Yumehiro.
Yo va a trovare Sen, che è stata assente da scuola per febbre. I due discutono del piano per battere le sorelle Sawagi. Yo e Ren scoprono da Ayame che le due sono figlie del proprietario di un supermercato e che erano sparite dalle battaglie per i bento da tre anni.