Braydan and Linscah go shopping for outfits for a photo shoot. Braydan and John meet their P.R. to plan the official Premiere for their new show. Braydan, John and Mitchelle go for a radio interview at Skyzmetro FM. Mitchelle celebrates her birthday at smokehouse. Dan hosts a brunch at the Bulawayo Club Hotel
The gang goes for a photo shoot. Braydan, Linscah, John and Mitchelle attend the Vibe Tribe event. Braydan, Linscah and John go pick up South African DJ Prince Kaybee.
Mitchelle tells Braydan she wants to compete for the Miss Tourism Pagent. Braydan meets the BAA producers and gets offered to be a Red Carpet Host. John and Braydan attend Friday Late.
Braydan and Linscah get stuck in a fuel queue. Braydan and the gang premiere their new show at Ster-kinekor Cinemas. John and Braydan get angry over dramatic messages from Linscah about a cake.
Braydan and John deal with Linscahs cake at her house without telling her. John and Braydan meet up for lunch to plan Johns party. Braydan goes for a photo shoot for the BAA Awards promotional material. Braydan finally confronts Linscah about the cake drama. Braydan, Nkosi and Mbomahocs attend a friends game night. The gang attends Johns all black party.