Having been sent away from Catherine and Thomas’ household, Elizabeth is amongst strangers in the house of Kat’s brother-in-law Antony Denny, and terrified of anyone finding out her secrets from Chelsea Place. Pregnant Catherine and Thomas put on a united front to the court and the king, staring down the gossip surrounding Elizabeth’s exile. As the rumours spread, Robert tries to defend his friend Elizabeth in her absence leaving his father the Lord Dudley questioning his friendship with the Princess. Thinking he has Mary under control, the Lord Protector Somerset allows Edward to pursue his Protestant faith. However, he is met with resistance from an unlikely place, as Catholic Pedro questions whose side the Lord Somerset is really on.
Tras ser expulsada de la casa de Catherine y Thomas, Elizabeth se encuentra entre extraños en la casa de Antony Denny, cuñado de Kat, y aterrorizada de que alguien descubra sus secretos de Chelsea Place.
Nachdem Elizabeth aus Catherine und Thomas' Haus fortgeschickt wurde, lebt sie unter Fremden im Haus von Kats Schwager Antony Denny in der Angst, jemand könnte erfahren, was in Chelsea passiert ist. Catherine und Thomas bilden eine gemeinsame Front gegen den Hof und den König.
Ayant été renvoyée de la maison de Catherine et Thomas, Élisabeth vit parmi des étrangers dans la maison du beau-frère de Kat, Antony Denny. Elle est terrifiée à l'idée que quiconque découvre ses secrets à Chelsea Place. Catherine et Thomas font front commun devant la cour et le roi.
Depois da festa, Elizabeth acaba ficando sozinha entre estranhos e com medo de que alguém possa descobrir a verdade do que aconteceu em Chelsea.
Allontanata dalla residenza di Catherine e Thomas, Elizabeth si ritrova tra sconosciuti nella dimora del cognato di Kat, Anthony Denny, ed è terrorizzata all’idea che qualcuno scopra i segreti di Chelsea Place. Catherine e Thomas fanno fronte comune contro la corte e il re.