Christmas at court, and a controversial masque leaves Protestant Edward and Catholic Mary at odds. Elizabeth finds herself in the middle as Mary, furious at Catherine’s remarriage, demands she leave them both and come live with her. Thomas’s brother the Lord Protector Somerset tries to keep the peace between the siblings as Pedro returns from Scotland with the news of French invasion as tempers fray at the newly formed court. At home Elizabeth is torn between duty to her sister, her love for Catherine and the growing attention of Thomas which both excites and scares her. As the Dudley family join the Chelsea household for a hunt, and Elizabeth is reunited with childhood friend Robert Dudley, she finds herself left with a choice about where she wants to stand in this world, and who she wants to be.
C'est Noël à la cour, et un masque controversé provoque un conflit entre Édouard, protestant, et Marie, catholique. Élisabeth se retrouve tiraillée entre les deux, alors que Marie exige qu'elle vienne vivre avec elle. Le lord-protecteur Somerset essaie de maintenir la paix entre les trois frères et sœurs.
Weihnachten bei Hofe: ein umstrittenes Maskenspiel entzweit den Protestanten Edward und die Katholikin Mary. Elizabeth steht zwischen ihnen, als Mary von ihr verlangt, zu ihr zu ziehen. Lord Protector Somerset versucht, den Frieden zwischen den Geschwistern zu bewahren.
É Natal na corte, e um espetáculo polêmico cria mal-estar entre o protestante Edward e a católica Mary. Elizabeth fica dividida quando Mary exige que vá morar com ela. O lorde protetor Somerset tenta manter a paz entre os irmãos.
Es Navidad en la corte. Una controvertida mascarada enemista a Eduardo, protestante, y a María, católica. Isabel se encuentra en medio y María le pide que vaya a vivir con ella. El lord protector Somerset intenta mantener la paz entre los hermanos.
È Natale a corte e una recita controversa mette in disaccordo Edward, protestante, e Mary, cattolica. Elizabeth si trova tra due fuochi mentre Mary continua a chiederle di andare a vivere con lei. Somerset, il Lord protettore, prova a mantenere la pace tra i fratelli.