The Greatful Sound festival is on, with Belle Ame on the primary stage, Malcolm (a Sykes-managed rapper) on the second stage, and Beck on the smallest third stage. Veteran Beck members think that if they fail to get more people than the other stages they should retire. Ryusuke mentions that he agreed to the bet because of the dream and then says some harsh words to Chiba, who runs away. The band starts to drift apart, with Taira standing for Chiba, as he goes around the festival site looking for his friend with Koyuki and Saku's help. Eventually, the three remaining band members think of quitting, due to the rain and being unable to find Chiba. Against the odds, Koyuki decides to go up on stage with only an acoustic guitar and starts playing a cover of "I've Got a Feeling" Shortly into the song he is accompanied by Saku; they start to make the crowd sway and flow with the song.
Le festival a commencé. Le groupe se repose avant leur concert. Beck se produira sur la troisième scène, celle qui a la plus petite capacité d'accueil. Le doute s'installe entre Ryusûke, Chiba et Taira : peut être ne pourront ils pas tenir le marché fait avec Mr Sykes. Chiba s'enfuit après une remarque de Ryusûke et Taira cogne Ryusûke. Taira va chercher Koyuki et Saku pour retrouver Chiba à temps pour le concert. Pendant cette recherche, Koyuki se fait draguer par Maria une copine américaine de Maho, qui les surprend. Le concert de Belle Ame commence avec Yoshito au chant et Eiji à la guitare. Ryusûke rejoint Mr Sykes. Le concert de Beck devant débuter, Koyuki monte seul sur la scène...
Ryusuke ha fatto una scommessa con Leon e saranno liberi da ogni obbligo morale con lui se i BECK riusciranno a raccogliere più pubblico degli altri due palchi (in tutto sono 3). Ma proprio quando il loro sogno sta per divenire realtà, una nube oscura rischia di travolgere il gruppo per sempre. Riusciranno i BECK a superare questa piccola crisi?
El Greatful Sound Festival está encendido, con Belle Ame en la etapa primaria, Malcolm (un rapero gestionados Sykes) en la segunda etapa, y Beck en la tercera etapa más pequeño. Veteranos miembros Beck piensa que si no pueden conseguir más personas que las otras etapas que deben retirarse.