The first of the episodes, originally created as a standalone animation, follows the story of a blue whale that wakes up on a New Zealand beach, and finding a seagull there, where they have a conversation about chips and the fact the whale can't chew. The seagull then wanders off to find a bucket or a hose bro.
Whale and Seagull happen upon the god of the oceans who shows them a dark future
A coral needs help to get de-bleached from a socially-connected seahorse
Two baby turtles face the challenge of surviving predators and each other on their journey to the ocean
Two fish argue over crackpot conspiracy theory that humans are out to catch them for their own consumption
A dolphin's life is torn appart when it becomes addicted to seismic blasting
The Seagull discovers global warming us the best way to get his friend de-beached
A musical pike fish explains how beach life isn't always easy
The Seagull tells the heroic story of the time his best friend was captured by a 'Research' vessel
A unicorn does what it takes to raise awareness
The seagull requires the magical skills of an anicent world when he goes swimming in an oil slick
The first of the episodes, follows the story of a blue whale that wakes up on a Scottish beach. After a seagull approaches the whale, they have a conversation about chips, which includes the fact that the whale can't chew. The seagull then wanders off to find a bucket or a hose to help the whale because he is "beached braz".
The first of the episodes with the dialogue replaced with random Lord of the Rings phrases/names and elvish sounding words.