In 1991, as the town of Motherwell faced the crippling social, economic and cultural impact of the closure of the Ravenscraig steelworks, its football club, locally known as the Steelmen, lifted the prestigious Scottish Cup for the first time in 39 years. The victory was a glimmer of light in the ensuing darkness. Ann an 1991, bha baile Thobar na Màthar a’ greimeachadh ris a’ bhuaidh shòisealta, eaconamach agus chultarail a bheireadh dùnadh ionad stàilinn Ravenscraig air an sgìre, ach airson a’ chiad uair ann an 39 bliadhna thog sgioba ball-coise a’ bhaile, na ‘Steelmen' mar a theirear riutha, Cupa na h-Alba, a’ toirt boillsgeadh dòchais a thogadh an dorchadas.