Home / Series / BBC Alba Documentaries / Aired Order / Season 2018 / Episode 5

Obair Ealain/Street Art

Tha luchd ealain ainmeil a’ dèanamh air Alba bho gach ceàrnaidh dhen t-saoghal airson aon de na tachartasan ealain-sràide as motha san Roinn Eòrpa: Nuart Obar Dheathain. Buaireasach, ionmholta, a’ cur an aghaidh ughdarras; abair gun toir e buaidh air an àite. Chaidh dusan ealanaiche-sràide fhastadh airson meadhan baile Obar Dheathain ath-bheothachadh, ach chan eil aca ach còig latha airson a' bhaile a thoirt beò mus fhosgail an Fhèis. ‘S e am fear-ealain Martyn Reed a tha stèidhichte ann an Stavangar, a chur Nuart air bhonn. Tha e ag iarraidh cur às dha na bacaidhean a tha a' cumail obair ealain air leth, agus fhosgladh dhan t-sluagh. Tha e a' feuchainn ri annas a dhèanamh às an àbhaist, agus 's e sin cuspair na Fèise “A Revolution of the Ordinary”. Cha b' fhada bho bha graffiti mì-laghail, ach a-nise tha fèil mhòr air ealain-sràide. Tha sinn a’ leanntainn na h-ealanaichean fhad 's a tha iad ag ath-bheòthachadh cùl-shràidean Obar Dheathain. World famous artists arrive in Scotland from all corners of the globe for one of Europe’s biggest street art events: Nuart Aberdeen. Edgy, stunning, provocative, subversive; their work makes an impact. These 12 international street artists have come to paint the grey streets of Aberdeen red (and blue, and green) and they have only five days to complete their work before the Festival opens. Stavanger-based artist Martyn Reed, who founded Nuart, is on a mission to remove the barriers that place art on a pedestal – and return it to the people. He wants to turn the ordinary into the extraordinary, giving rise to the festival’s theme ‘A Revolution of the Ordinary’. But when does illegal graffiti become celebrated street art? We get behind the scenes to see what makes the artists tick, what inspires their work, and how they cope when the weather turns. The results provoke reactions - some good, some bad and in one case the art proves just too much and has to be taken down.

  • Originally Aired September 19, 2018
  • Runtime 60 minutes
  • Production Code m0000dy4
  • Network BBC ALBA
  • Created June 4, 2019 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified June 4, 2019 by
    Administrator admin