All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Episode 1

    • February 8, 2016
    • BBC One

    The first in a three-part series uncovering the human cost of the changes to the benefits system in Wales. Andrew Williams worked all his life until a serious back injury left him unfit for work and also suffering mental health problems. When his disability benefits are cut Andrew embarks on four-month battle to overturn the ruling that's left him with no support for his care needs. On the Bettws estate near Bridgend, Kay Harris has to pay the so-called 'bedroom tax' for her tiny spare bedroom and was told to move to a smaller house to avoid paying the £49 per month charge, yet there is a shortage of smaller properties available in the area to rent. The family survives on benefits, and when her husband suffers a heart attack their financial problems worsen.

  • S01E02 Episode 2

    • February 15, 2016
    • BBC One

    Series uncovering the human cost of the changes to the benefits system in Wales. Bridgend-born Will Thomas was airlifted back to the UK with serious injuries. Penniless and on crutches, he was told he couldn't claim any benefits at all. Cameras followed his year-long battle to get financial support. Young valleys' couple Iolanda and Michael have their benefits sanctioned, their money cut and they struggle to cope. But it's even tougher for them when Iolanda finally gets a job. The couple's benefits stop, and they have to survive for four weeks with just £80 to pay all their bills.

  • S01E03 Episode 3

    • February 22, 2016
    • BBC One