The story begins in 60AD when a brutal assault on Boudicca and her daughters turned the queen into a rebel leader. It was perfect timing - much of the Roman army was in Anglesey, carrying out a slaughter of the Druids. Boudicca marched her entire tribe and their neighbours on the centre of Roman rule, Colchester, which was torched. London was next; it, too, burnt to the ground. The final confrontation between the two armies took place somewhere north of St Albans.The exact location is a matter of debate but Peter and Dan investigate the most recent suggestion: an area near the village of Paulerspury. Peter uses the remarkable computer graphics to show the Romans’ predicament – outnumbered 10 to one, it was only their discipline, tactics and the cunning choice of battlefield by Suetonius Paulinus that swung the battle in their favour. One account estimates that 80,000 Britons were slaughtered.The battle was to be the last serious threat to Roman supremacy in over 400 years of occupation.