An adventurous dad, an aspiring biochemist, and a singing grandma from one family take on a sporty father, an up-and-coming crew member, and an ultra-competitive grandpa from another. The grandparents put their hearing to the test while the parents gear up for a speed challenge, but only one family will win and have the chance to win $10,000!
A lizard-loving teen and his not-so-lizard-loving mom accompany their sweet grandmother to face off against an ultra-competitive dad, a varsity soccer player, and an earth scientist. These two families must put their athletic and intellectual skills to the test as they compete to make it to the Timeline Challenge for a chance to win $10,000!
A college soccer player, a veteran pilot, and a dance instructor from one family compete against a hairdresser, a high school DJ, and a seasoned foodie from another. Both families race to answer trivia questions about topics ranging from iconic sports events to famous movies for the chance to win $10,000 in the Timeline Challenge!
A tie-dye loving retired gymnast, a teenage gymnastics coach, and an adventurous teacher go face-to-face with a plaid-obsessed mother, a manicurist, and an animal-rescuing teen in an all-out generational battle of skill and wit to see if they can conquer the Timeline Challenge and have a chance at winning $10,000!
A former BYU football player, a splashy swimmer, and a legendary BYU coach battle against an extreme couponer, an uncompromising teen, and a supportive grandma in an all-out generational battle of skill and wit to see if they can conquer the Timeline Challenge and win $10,000. It's Battle of the Ages!
A meddling mother, a surviving teen, and a grandmother who raised children in three different generations go face-to-face with a dance party mom, a wanna-be pediatric nurse, and a grandmother with an open door policy in an all-out generational battle of skill and wit to see if they can conquer the Timeline Challenge and win $10,000. It's Battle of the Ages!
A special effects father, a stylish teen, and a grandfather in the costume business face off against a mother who loves her fur babies, a teen with a knack for drawing, and a fast-talking grandmother in an all-out generational battle of skill and wit to see if they can conquer the Timeline Challenge and win $10,000. It's Battle of the Ages!
A mother of newborn quadruplets, a volleyball-spiking teen, and a full-time grandma take on a mom with a love for British culture, an Irish dancing teen, and a British grandma from across the pond in an all-out generational battle of skill and wit to see if they can conquer the Timeline Challenge and win $10,000. It's Battle of the Ages!
A Utah Ute son-in-law, a BYU loving father-in-law, and a theater-loving teen battle a skydiving, bungee jumping, scuba-diving father, an impersonator from middle-earth, and a texting grandma in an all-out generational battle of skill and wit to see if they can conquer the Timeline Challenge and win $10,000. It's Battle of the Ages!
A sci-fi loving dad and a boy-wizard loving granddaughter and grandmother compete against a former BYU wrestler turned medical student, a reluctant future doctor,and a retired navy veteran in an all-out generational battle of skill and wit to see if they can conquer the Timeline Challenge and win $10,000. It's Battle of the Ages!
It's a festive fun-filled Christmas edition of Battle of the ages! A mother who loves to cook, a piano-playing teen, and a grandfather who loves to host a crazy Christmas scavenger hunt compete against a mother who loves to have her shoes stuffed with treats, a fashion-loving teen, and a grandmother who never leaves home without her chocolate in an all-out generational battle of skill and wit to see if they can conquer the Timeline Challenge and win $10,000. It's Battle of the Ages!