As Nobunaga and co. put together a play as per Hideyoshi's reccomendation, Akechi becomes irritated with Hideyoshi. Having trouble coming up with a script, Hideyoshi ends up adapting one of Yoshimoto's yuri stories. After rehearsals, Hideyoshi is troubled both by Shingen and Kenshin vying for bigger roles and Ieyasu's controversial suggestion for an ending. On the day of the play, after the various script changes pan out (which included Hide inadvertently adopting Akechi's role as Oda's lover, flustering Akechi, and Shingen and Kenshin acting likewise, but actually were trying to outdo each other in performance), Ieyasu's servant, Hanzou, ends up setting fire to the stage, trapping Hideyoshi inside, but Nobunaga comes to her rescue. Following the success of the failed play, Masamune informs Nobunaga about the location of the last pieces of the Crimson Armor.
ヒデヨシの提案で、お芝居をする事になった。皆お芝居がどういうものか知らないので、ヒデヨシが一から教えることに。舞台セットを建てながら、台本作りを開始! しかし案の定ネタにつまり、文学好きのヨシモトにお願いする。ヨシモトが考えたお話は、女たちが咲き乱れるめくるめく官能の世界! そして、稽古を重ねなんとか形になってきたと思ったら、今度は芸能界裏話のようにみんなドロドロしはじめる始末…。