The Present Day. There's a middle school girl named Hideyoshino who loves fashion and cell phones. Her nickname at school is "Hideyoshi". Just before her exams, she realizes that her only hope is divine intervention, and goes to a shrine. There she is whisked away by a mysterious light...The next thing she knows, she is surrounded by female bandits who proceed to attack her! She is saved by a general with a gigantic sword. The general calls herself Oda Nobunaga...
現代。ファッションや携帯電話に夢中な女子中学生、日出佳乃(ひでよしの)。学校でのあだ名は「ヒデヨシ」。試験前、もう神頼みしかないヒデヨシは、神社へと足を運ぶ。そこで不思議な光によって、どこかへ飛ばされてしまい…。気づくと、ヒデヨシの周りを女の野盗たちが囲こんでおり、襲いかかってきた! そこへ大剣を手に現れた女武将。その名は織田ノブナガ…。