Seven warriors who are defeated one after another by Tomoe. Only the first relay race was left. Jesse, Chris, Ichino, and Akari challenge Tomoe with all their thoughts and intentions. There is no chance of victory against the perfect Tomoe. Now, the big game of the first generation! Run ahead of the light !!
巴1人につぎつぎ敗退していく7戦士達。残されたのはリレー競技1種目のみ。全ての想いと意地をのせ、巴に挑むはジェシー・クリス・一乃・あかりの4人。完全無欠の巴に対し、勝利の可能性は限りなくゼロ。さぁ、一世一代の大勝負! 光の先に駆け抜けろ!!