Miracle decides to cancel the training in a situation where even one loss is no longer allowed. Akari and his friends tried to enjoy the free time they were given while hiding their feelings of being abandoned by their coach, but an accident occurred among them! Teamwork is finally born to the three animals who have reached a pinch of desperation. The miracle was about to begin ...
もはや1敗も許されない状況で、ミラクルは訓練の中止を決定。「コーチに見捨てられた」というドン底気分を隠しながら与えられた自由時間を楽しもうとするあかりたちだったが、その3人にアクシデントが発生! 絶体絶命のピンチを迎えた3匹に、ようやく生まれるチームワーク。奇跡は、今始まろうとしていた…。