Part 1: Barbara Gordon debates her future with her father.
Part 2: Barbara Gordon interviews with Detective Boyle.
Part 3: Barbara creates her costume for the masquerade ball.
Part 1: Batgirl is questioned by Batman and Robin.
Part 2: Killer Moth meets with Tough Tony and his gang.
Part 3: Barbara Gordon tries on her new Batgirl persona
Part 1: Batgirl attempts her biggest stunt of all and is thwarted by Batman.
Part 2: Batgirl wakes up in the Batcave and is introduced to her new surroundings.
Part 3: Batgirl is tested by Batman and Robin
Part 1: Batgirl and the Black Canary try to save Detective Gordon from certain death at Tough Tony's pad.
Part 2: Batgirl takes to the streets to fight crime again and confronts a new challenge
Part 1: Batgirl tries to intervene when Killer Moth and Firefly set the Gotham Police Station ablaze.
Part 2: Batgirl is summoned by Batman and he puts her to the final test