アイが宇宙から落ちたWoOを見つけた日以来、彼女は一連の厳しい運命に苦しんでいます。 中学校の破壊、母親と小太郎との別れ、防衛軍の追跡、襲撃する怪物、そして恐怖の民衆によって始められた「人間狩り」。
Since the day Ai found WoO, which had fallen from space, she has been tormented by a series of harsh destinies. The destruction of her middle school, the separation from her mother and Kotaro, the pursuit by the Defense Force, the attacking monsters, and the "human hunting" initiated by a fearful populace.
Ai has overcome these numerous trials, reflecting on the path she has taken thus far.