謎の彗星が地球に近づいていた。 しかし、彗星は突然、巨大で謎の爆発で爆発し、調査に派遣されていた国防軍のゴンダ大尉が行方不明になりました...
同じ頃、上代愛という女子中学生が丘の上の公園で奇妙な物を見つけて家に持ち帰った。 その夜、物体から不思議な生き物が現れました。 翌朝アイは生き物を学校に連れて行くことに決め...
A mysterious comet was approaching Earth. However, the comet suddenly exploded in a massive, mysterious blast, and Captain Gonda of the Defense Force, who had been sent to investigate, went missing...
Around the same time, a middle school girl named Ai Kamishiro found a strange object in a park on a hill and brought it home. That night, a mysterious creature emerged from the object. The next morning, Ai decided to take the creature to school...