แม้ทุกคนจะช่วยกันหาวิธีเอาวิญญาณผีเด็กออกจากร่าง ธูปหอม (ซอ จียอน) แต่ก็ไม่สำเร็จ ลูกช้าง (ป๋อง กพล) เป็นห่วง ธูปหอม มาก และผีเด็กเองก็สงสาร ธูปหอม ที่กําพร้าพ่อแม่ด้วยเช่นกัน ก็เลยเล่าเรื่องที่ตัวเองโดนแม่ทิ้งและอยากเจอแม่ให้ทุกคนฟัง ทีมนายหน้าสัญญากับผีเด็กว่าจะช่วยตามหาแม่ให้ ทีมแล้วแบ่งกำลังออกเป็นสองทีม เพื่อออกตามหแม่ของผีเด็ก และให้ผีเด็กออกจกร่างของ ธูปหอม โดยมี อ๋อง (จี๋ สุทธิรักษ์) ไปกับ ทิพย์ (เตย สุวพิชญ์) เพื่อหาแม่ ส่วน ลูกช้าง กับ ธูปหอม ก็พากันไปรดนํ้ามนต์ที่วัด แต่ถารกิจช่วยแก้ปมให้ผีเด็กจะลงเอยอย่างไร ?
Embora todos tenham trabalhado juntos para encontrar uma maneira de remover o espírito da criança fantasma do corpo de Joss Hom (Seo Ji Yeon), a criança Chang (Pong Kaphon) não teve sucesso e ficou muito preocupada com Joss Hom. A própria criança fantasma sentiu pena de Joss Hom, que era órfão assim como ela. Então, ela contou a todos a história de ter sido abandonada por sua mãe e desejar encontrá-la. Uma equipe de intermediários promete à criança fantasma que a ajudará a encontrar sua mãe. A equipe então se dividiu em duas equipes: uma para procurar a mãe da criança fantasma, e a criança fantasma deixou o corpo de Joss Hom, com Ong (Ji Suthirak) acompanhando Thip (Toey Suwapitch) para encontrar sua mãe. O bebê elefante e Jos Hom foram juntos derramar água benta no templo. Mas como será a missão de ajudar a resolver o problema da criança fantasma?
Although everyone worked together to find a way to remove the ghost child's spirit from Joss Hom's body (Seo Ji Yeon), the child Chang (Pong Kaphon) was unsuccessful and became very worried about Joss Hom. The ghost child itself felt sorry for Joss Hom, who was an orphan as well. So, he told everyone the story of being abandoned by his mother and wanting to meet her. A team of brokers promised the ghost child that they would help her find her mother. The team then split up into two groups: one to search for the ghost child's mother, and the ghost child left Joss Hom's body, with Ong (Ji Suthirak) accompanying Thip (Toey Suwapitch) to find her mother. The baby elephant and Jos Hom went together to pour holy water in the temple. But how will the mission to help solve the ghost child's issue unfold?