Imagine if your heart stops beating twice. Osborne is stung by a deadly box jellyfish while swimming at a beach in Queensland. With so much pain and a stopped heart, how will he survive? Meanwhile, backpacker Justin gets a taste of this dangerous animal when he is chased by a pack of dingoes. Then, Ian is bitten by a venomous spider while gardening, but it is only hours later when slow paralysis sets in, making him realize his life is in danger.
Are you dreaming or not?! A a grandmother wakes to an 8-foot crocodile dragging her son's friend from his tent. Immediately, she leaps onto its back, only to be attacked herself as the croc grabs her by the arm. Then, Madison rides her bike when she is swooped by an Australian magpie. The bird chases her and swoops down to peck at her eye until it pops. Finally, Jayne is unsure why she is feeling unwell, until she discovers that one little mosquito bite resulted in Australia's Ross River Fever.
A late-night fishing trip turns into a disaster. Two friends find themselves stranded on an isolated river. Venturing through the buhe feelsh for help, Robbie falls onto a redback spider's nest. Within seconds, he is left paralyzed. Then, Chantal and her brother Simon are sailing with their father in a playground for crocodiles. Are they able to get out safely? In Queensland, Jayden is bitten by the highly venomous stonefish while swimming. The trouble arises when her rescue boat gets stuck.
Mia wakes up one morning and can't get out of bed. The doctors are baffled as she becomes paralyzed, but an unexpected discovery solves the mystery. Then meet Mike, a diver who was unknowingly stung by an Irukandji jellyfish and only sought medical help hours after the venom had taken orce in his body. Was it too late? Meanwhile, as Carol is alone in the ocean, she as a sea lion attacked her, leaving a gaping hole in her leg. Carol fights for her life as she tries to get to shore.
A bonding surfing trip for Zac goes horribly wrong when a Great White takes a hefty bite out of Zac's leg. Then, Tom goes on a pig-hunting trip, but a deadly saltwater crocodile becomes the hunter. Duncan's idyllic lifestyle living on a boat and working on ships all changed when he was bitten by a mosquito. A simple mosquito bite grew into a large ulcer on his arm, then spread to seven sites on his on his body. Doctors diagnosed the relentless flesh-eating bacteria as Bairnsdale Ulcer.
Jacqueline's afternoon in her garden quickly becomes a fight for her life when she is bitten by an ant, sending her into anaphylactic shock. Her husband performs CPR on her before the ambulance arrives. Billy is is attacked by a shark while surfing in the ocean. Bleeding profusely, he struggles to shore afraid the shark will come back for him. Finally, Makayla is playing in front of her family's holiday cabin when a rogue kangaroo pinns her to the ground and repeatedly jumps on her back.
While watching Ron surf from the car on an overcast day, his father saw Ron frantically swim to nearby rocks. Not fully aware that Ron has been bitten by a shark, he is left fearing for his son's life. Then, while Dysen is playing in the backyard, he is bitten by a deadly brown snake. The highly venomous snake bite has Dysen's family worried about his health. . Finally, while Nicholas plays ball with his dogs in the water, he sees blood pourting out of his knee.
While Rachael is swimming in a river she feels excruciating pain. By the time her brother drags her to the river bank, she is unconscious and in cardiac arrest. The venomous tentacles of a box jellyfish are still wrapped around her legs, continuing to pump toxins into her body. Then, football player Peter has a high pain threshold, as a red-bellied black snake bites him on the foot. Finally, Megan suffers from nausea and vomiting from a redback spider bite. Is it too late to save her life?
Ella is suddenly hit from below by an aggressive 600-pound sea lion. The sea lion knocks out her teeth and bites her neck a millimeter from her carotid artery. Then, Haley is stung by the tiny Irukandji jellyfish. Within seconds, she begins suffering from excruciating pain. Time is ticking as Haley fights for her life. Finally, Dean is excited to try his brand new spearfishing gear on a remote spot in South Australia. Soon, a huge force pulls him under as a shark is approaching. Will he live?
Lisa suddenly becomes a snack of a massive Great White shark. With deep gashes to her face and her arm almost completely severed, her friends race to save her life. After Andrew is bitten by a snake, he is sure that it was nonvenomous, so he ignores it. He didn't know that the deadly venom of a brown snake coursing through his veins could kill him. And Ryan is bitten by a jumping jack ant and soon his parents rush him to the hospital, recognizing the signs of anaphylactic shock. Is it too late?
Dave is attacked by a bull shark while trying out his new surfboard. Luckily, his friends are there to rush him to safety. Then, a mother finds her four-year-old son completely wrapped in a python. Its grip is tightening by the second, slowly squeezing the air out of him. She picks him up, with the python still wrapped around his small body, and screams into the night for help. Finally, Michelle is stung by a stingray while wading in the beautiful waters of Queensland. Will she survive?
The beaches of Western Australia's pristine coast have been ravaged by deadly predators -- great white sharks. These sharks were responsible for five human fatalities in less than 10 months, forcing experts to try to track down the creatures they believe are responsible. Nat Geo WILD joins scientists as they search for an explanation for this unusual behavior and work to develop new, cutting-edge technology that may allow humans and sharks to safely coexist.