Litho, the protagonist, wakes up to his sister Rags asking where Mingu is. After she goes off, Mingu, Writer, and X all find Litho. Mingu accuses Litho of destroying his home with his gems, which is when Writer applies that X flooded his home. They go to the portal opening to see what's going on, and find the new character Showtime there to greet them. Writer and Mingu are soon hypnotized by Showtime, and after breaking into song, Toonny appears out of the portal. Showtime leads Mingu and Writer to the Parade, and Litho and Toonny follow them. When they find the party, Litho agrees to let the Parade go on, but finds out it is an attempt at killing off Mingu, Writer, and X. Toonny is able to stop Showtime, saving the three dogs. Later, Showtime wakes up in a cave with Toonny. Showtime then convinces Toonny to become his "associate", in trade for a generic voice and anything else he wanted. The contract is signed, and then the episode ends.