Stand-up comedy from nearly-naked chef Hardeep Singh Kohli, panel show favourite Dane Baptiste, Paul 'Sinnerman' Sinha from TV quiz show 'The Chase' and rising star Eshaan Akbar. Tommy Sandhu hosts this comedy night at Curve Theatre, Leicester as the BBC Asian Network brings you some of the biggest UK stand-up comedians and spotlights the hottest new talent.
Asian Network Comedy returns to Watford as Tommy Sandhu hosts some of the biggest UK stand-up comedians and fresh new talent.
Asian Network Comedy returns to the Edinburgh Fringe festival for another stellar line up of hilarious cutting edge acts and fresh faced talent from the scene. Hosted by Noreen Khan and recorded in front of a live audience, the show features performances from Shazia Mirza, Kae Kurd, Aditi Mittal, Sunil Patel and Patrick Monahan.