Western Tibet Plateau over 4000 meters above sea level is a very desolate area, in which there is no way to grow food Barren here Pakistani ethnic Tibetan herders Doolittle must collect salt from the Salt Lake market exchange take food, they have to go half the distance to the Daza Bouyeri Salt, Saline Salt Lake is a treasure chest, where salt is not only supplied to China also exports to neighboring countries such as Nepal and India.
Salt mining and selling salt is a very difficult thing, they want to take salt to their destinations, which also was longer than they used to Salt Lake Road, on the other side they must begin a new journey in the mountains, that is, over the snow-covered Himalayas, towering Himalayan mountains where the highest elevation on Earth, known as the roof of the world that they must overcome this grim natural obstacles, snow on the ground so that the pace is becoming increasingly heavy yak ...
they are in addition to more than 5,500 meters above sea level over the mountains, have been bottomless cliffs along multiple paths Bock situation between steep mountain lake and frightening, is the most dangerous road, this trail winds Only one meter wide turns very narrow, either for people or yaks in terms of this is a life or death battle.
소금 교역을 위해 티켓 창탕고원에서 출발해 험준한 겨울 히말라야 산맥을 넘는 카라반들의 멀고도 험한 여정이 세계 최초로 공개된다.
세계의 지붕 티베트 창탕고원. 히말라야 산맥 북쪽의 해발고도 4,000m의 창탕고원은 인간이 생존하기 힘든 땅이다. 10cm 정도의 관목만 드문드문 있을 뿐 풀도 잘 자라지 않는 척박한 곳. 그러나 이곳에는 신이 준 선물, 소금호수가 있다. 바로 짜부예차카. 먼 옛날 바닷속이었던 히말라야가 융기하면서 생긴 소금호수다.