William Henry guides us through the history, beliefs, and practices of the mysterious order of Essenes, who made it their mission to bring perfection to the world. In the years, 200-300 BC a new mystical movement arose weaving together multiple spiritual practices to teach people how to ascend to heaven. Their teachings came to be considered heretical by the ruling orders and were lost for ages until the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered. Now, the teachings of the Essenes are spreading across the world.
At the heart of many forbidden mystical orders, such as the Essenes, Gnostics, and Cathars, is the belief of the divine feminine as a force which can guide the soul to ascension. These lost teachings were embedded in ancient temples and sacred tools, which were destroyed as these traditions were declared forbidden. William Henry recovers this lost wisdom by accounting for the items that have been purged from history, recovering their original use, and rebuilding the ancient spiritual practices that venerate the mother of the gods.
The great perfection the Essenes sought is found in Buddhist teachings of the rainbow light body and reflected in the words of Jesus. William Henry takes us into the ascension academy of Alexandria where the magi taught how humans can open holes in space and ascend into heaven as beings of light. These teachings, though forbidden, found their way into the mystery teachings of Pythagoras, Buddhism, Judaism and Christianity as subtle metaphors to be decoded by those privy to these mysteries.
Who or what were the angels, watchers, and the Annunaki? Many different traditions from around the world tell us of beings from other realms that are depicted as lightning, rainbows, and brilliant light. According to William Henry, the Essenes believed that they lived among beings of light that could morph into flesh. Thus, they had teachers who could guide them to attain an elevated state of holiness, to create bodies of celestial light, and transcend our Earthly plane to reside in the celestial city.
The veil of the Temple of Solomon was thought to be the portal between heaven and Earth. It had the power to transform humans into radiant beings of light. William Henry introduces us to the keepers and weavers of this starry veil as The Marys: priestesses who were specially trained as vessels to give birth to high celestial beings. The ultimate secrets they were given included the spiritual perception of the light body and transcendence into the celestial realms through resurrection. This is seen in the death and resurrection of Jesus and a star child piercing the veil into other worlds.
What if the resurrection of Jesus was really his ascension to the celestial city of Sion upon a Merkabah throne? Passages from the Dead Seas Scrolls tell of humans being abducted by benevolent alien beings. But what if they traveled, not by spaceship, but through a portal taking them into the celestial realms as beings of light? This may be the ultimate secret of ascension. William Henry takes us deeper into the forbidden teachings of the Essenes who describe the ascension process with the celestial chariot, the mystery of the Merkabah, and celestial chariots to Sion.
After the fall of the Essenes, the secrets of resurrection and ascension found rise in a new group, known as the Gnostics. They believed that the divine spark resides within every person, and that the most divine of mysteries is a teaching available to everyone. William Henry takes us deep into the heart of the Gnostic revelations, as relayed through their own words in the Nag Hamadi texts. In the time those texts were written, what the Gnostics brought the world may have been considered the most heretical, and the most dangerous.
The eleventh to thirteen centuries saw a resurgence of movements teaching the ancient ascension practices. Foremost among them was the Cathars, who may have been the reincarnation of the Essenes and Gnostics. It was their mission to show others how an ordinary human being could attain angelic status by returning to their glorified light body in heaven. William Henry guides us through the story of the Cathars and the ascension codes they taught. Perhaps the most prominent of the Cathars was Dante Alighieri, who revealed the ascension process in his Divine Comedy.
What if the holy grail was a metaphor for the human soul going through the holy rite of ascension? William Henry explores many of the strange symbols and works of art used the by the Cathars to conceal the secret of ascension, including the Holy Grail, Ark of the Covenant, and Chintamani stone. What started with the ascension of Isaiah, in biblical times, culminated in a spiritual movement that stood against many of the medieval ruling powers in Europe. Surprisingly, many of these secret teachings were hidden in mysterious images painted by Hieronymus Bosch.
Tales from the Pyrenees mountains tell of a lady in white who rides the skies in an orb of light. As we dig deeper into the ascension teachings of the Cathars, we uncover the ascension of the Virgin Mary who attained her light body in heaven. William Henry illuminates tales of the Lady of Light, stemming from the resurrection of Mary to the influential teachings of the Troubadours. This apparition of the virgin may be the same being that blessed the waters of Lourdes, bringing miraculous healing to thousands and connects the ancient ascension teachings of the Essenes to the modern times.
The man who would be known as St. Francis, had a life-changing encounter with the resurrected light-body of Jesus. This led to the foundation of the Franciscan Order and opend a new doorway to bring the ascension teachings of the Essenes to the world. William Henry explores the life, history, teachings, and ascension of St. Francis of Assisi. He notes how Francis’s teachings parallel the ancient words of the original ascension keepers, the Essenes. We examine the works of art inspired by Francis that show he fulfilled the ultimate mission of resurrection and ascension.
After the demise of the Cathars, their ascension teachings disappeared for nearly 200 years, only to reemerge in the court of the Medici family. William Henry takes us on the quest of Cosimo de’ Medici who sought to resurrect the lost teachings of the Essenes, Gnostics, and Jesus. Knowing that this knowledge was forbidden, he commissioned great artists such as Botticelli, Raphael, Michelangelo, and Da Vinci to embed these secrets and planetary powers into their timeless works. For those seeking deeper secrets, they constructed the Corpus Hermeticum, a text revealing the most powerful ascension practices. In doing so, the House of Medici takes its place in a long line of ascension keepers.
As humanity encroaches upon a nearly unforeseeable future with the coming singularity, we stand at a crossroads for the evolution of human consciousness. William Henry ties together ancient ascension teachings with advances in science and technology, such as artificial intelligence, entanglement, worm holes, and quantum science. He explains how we can use these two schools of advanced thought to transform ourselves into a higher phase of intelligence. To do this, we must tune into ascended beings, including our own divine twin that resides in the luminous realms, with which we are already entangled.