Home / Series / As The World Turns / Aired Order / Season 47 / Episode 248

Ep. #11972

Carly gets a visit from Rose and the two women discuss their business dilemmas. Carly confesses shes creatively blocked and worried. Rose reassures her and understands why she still feels its important to work. Rose is excited about her new business. Meanwhile, Craig convinces Rosanna to marry him in two weeks. Craig thinks hes gotten Rosanna off the Monte Carlo trail and leaves to stop by the office, but Rosanna is on to him. When he leaves, she calls Carly and informs her that Barbara is still designing for Monte Carlo. When Craig arrives with the news that everything is under control, Carly lambastes him and tells him Rosanna is onto him. Craig tells Carly to prove Rosanna wrong and get busy designing. Meanwhile, Mitzi informs Rose that the beauty shop landlord needs Roses money. Rose tries to call Dusty. Molly notices Dusty with Barbara and later, she questions him about Barbara and he downplays. A flirtatious Molly invites Dusty to her room and they make love. Aaron visits Alison then, heads over to see Lucy. He tells her about Alison going to prison and Lucy thinks it is what Alison deserves. She doesnt mind Aaron being Alisons friend but she is not there yet. Later, Aaron helps Lucy take her first step. She gets overconfident and falls just as Rosanna shows up. Rosanna reacts but Lucy assures her that she is fine. Later, Rosanna tells Lucy about the wedding. Lucy is determined to walk at the wedding to show how Aaron has helped her. Alison is torn in two when Emily goes against Hals advice that she take the deal. Emily wants to get another lawyer and cites harsh realities of prison. Freaked, Alison decides to make a run for it and manages to slide out of her ankle tracker. Chris shows up and catches her, then talks sense into her. Later, Alison is back inside, with the ankle alarm on when Susan arrives. Alison announces to everyone that she is taking the deal.

  • Originally Aired March 27, 2003
  • Runtime 45 minutes
  • Network CBS
  • Created December 18, 2016 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified December 18, 2016 by
    Administrator admin