Während Geschosse auf Iwo Jima herabregnen, arbeiten die Mental Models zusammen, um dem Angriff der ersten östlichen Patrouillenflotte des Nebels standzuhalten. Mit ihrer Hilfe gelingt es I-401, durch die Blockade zu brechen, aber Kongou ist ihnen dicht auf den Versen.
Hyuga stays behind deflecting the attacks of Kongou's fleet to buy time for Iona and the others to escape. Before leaving Iwo Jima, Gunzō asks for Takao's help and she agrees to join his side. Unwilling to listen to Hyuga's words, Kongou fires her Super Gravity Cannon at her but fails to destroy her and taking advantage of her getting exausted, orders Maya to fires her own cannon but Takao appears in the nick of time to block Maya's shot. Believing that Hyuga and Takao are just covering the I-401's escape, Kongou tracks her down and gives chase, refusing to slow down even after falling into a minefield left by Hyuga to help Iona escape. Iona tries to reason with Kongou with no success and when the battleship attempts to fire her Super Gravity Cannon underwater to sink her, Hyuga manages to hack into Kongou's systems to have her lose control for time enough to Iona and Gunzō to escape. Takao then reveals to Kongou that instead of Takao, the true decoy was Iona herself, while the vibration warhead, Makie, her friends and the rest of the I-401's crew were safely hidden aboard her and she returns to pick up Hyuga to rendevous with Iona and Gunzō, who despite escaping from Kongou's grasp, are ambushed by I-400 and I-402 and apparently sunk by them.
Le dialogue avec Kongô n'a pas porté les fruits espérés par Gunzô et l'affrontement semble inévitable. Alors que le port d'attache d'Iona est cerné par la flotte de la Brume, les différents navires encore capables de se battre vont se serrer les coudes pour faire face au terrible navire amiral et à la joyeuse Maya. Gunzô et son équipage vont-ils pouvoir sauvegarder le dernier espoir de l'humanité ?
estancias en Hyuga detrás de desviar los ataques de la flota de Kongō a ganar tiempo para Iona y los otros a escapar. Antes de salir de Iwo Jima, Gunzo pide la ayuda de Takao y ella está de acuerdo en unirse a su lado. No dispuesto a escuchar las palabras de Hyuga, Kongō dispara su Super Gravity Cannon en ella, pero no destruirla y órdenes Maya para disparar su propio cañón en el agotado Hyuga pero Takao aparece en el último momento para bloquear el disparo de Maya.