Ryu is now starting to fall apart – the problems of being around Hattie (who reminds him of Maki) as well as continually working with Frank is bearing a toll on his heart and he is beginning to show signs of emotional collapse. After the top military brass have been threatened by full exposure of Frank’s existence to the general populace, they have reiterated their fear of Frank going rogue to Commander Ines and have ordered her to use the explosive if he becomes even a little unstable.
Ryu ahora está comenzando a desmoronarse: los problemas de estar cerca de Hattie (que le recuerda a Maki), así como trabajar continuamente con Frank, están afectando su corazón y está comenzando a mostrar signos de colapso emocional. Después de que los altos mandos militares hayan sido amenazados por la exposición total de la existencia de Frank a la población en general, han reiterado su temor de que Frank se vuelva deshonesto con la Comandante Inés y le han ordenado que use el explosivo si se vuelve un poco inestable.