A mother hears the voice of God telling her how to protect her children from a natural disaster. A horrible accident forces a couple to face an agonizing decision for their son, and they need a sign to confirm they are doing the right thing.
A Minneapolis teacher faces certain death when the bridge she is driving on collapses. A Chicago woman sends a sign out to the universe to help find the love of her life. Both realize a divine plan is already in place that will change their lives forever.
A Detroit pastor is home alone when an intruder breaks in, stabbing him 37 times before leaving him for dead. A tragic fall leaves a pole-vaulter with a critical head injury. Now, it will take the hand of God to spare their lives.
A boy is buried in a massive sand dune. A mountain climber gets lost in a snowstorm and becomes desperately injured. An Ohio woman goes without a heartbeat for 62 minutes. Will faith and the power of prayer be enough to save their lives?
A swim at Lake Tahoe takes a tragic turn when a teenager goes into hypothermic shock and drowns. A Hollywood stuntman finds himself in the grips of addiction when an unforeseen accident threatens his life. Both find angels on the road to recovery.
A Utah family is trapped in a car in an icy river. A Washington mother cradles her baby boy as a deadly mudslide threatens their lives. A New York City window washer plunges to certain death. Only a miracle can save their lives.