Animal adventurer Donald Schultz goes "Down Under" to Australia, home to some of the most venomous creatures on the planet. His mission is to find animals threatened with extinction by an unassuming toxic invader: the cane toad. He starts in the rugged bush, and when he finds his reptile targets, he takes venom and DNA samples from each one, in hopes of preserving these magnificent animals for future generations. Donald then journeys to the Southern Australia, where he tackles a thrashing emu that weighs as much as he does. His challenge is to avoid the flightless bird's razor-sharp talons long enough to get a blood sample for researchers. Finally, when night falls, he heads into the deadly waters off Queensland for his most dangerous mission of all: to grab rare, venomous sea snakes from a moving hand.
Adrenaline junkie and animal adventurer Donald Schultz literally descends upon the Southeast Asian country of Sri Lanka in the aftermath of a brutal civil war — he becomes the only civilian to skydive into the nation in two decades. Production of antivenin has taken a back seat in this war-torn country, and, as a result, more than 1,200 of its people are dying each year from snakebites. Donald's mission is a dangerous but lifesaving one: capture three of Sri Lanka's deadliest snakes — the spectacled cobra, the krait and the Russell's viper — and milk their venom so researchers can create antivenin. Donald then treks into the lowland forest in search of one of his favorite animals, a slender loris, a tiny primate with a bizarre toxic defense. Before his Sri Lanka mission is complete, Donald joins forces with dozens of men to find and relocate a rampaging rogue elephant that's terrorizing local villagers.
On this mission, animal adventurer Donald Schultz travels to the exotic nation of Belize, nestled between Mexico and Guatemala on the Caribbean coast of Central America. He sets out on a dramatic search for deadly animals that are the targets of poachers, like crocodiles, sharks and rays. His goal is to collect blood and tissue samples needed for research before these endangered animals disappear. He heads into the dense rain forest canopy to track down the loudest animal in the world — the howler monkey — a critically endangered primate that's falling prey to poachers. While there, Donald stumbles on his least favorite creature — a tarantula spider that's nearly as big as his hand. In an unusual "milking" procedure, Donald anesthetizes the spider, then uses a tiny electric shock to draw its rare and understudied venom.
Animal adventurer Donald Schultz returns to his home country of South Africa for a new mission and to take stock on what his country has done to pave the way for aggressive conservation efforts. There, he is tasked with tracking down and extracting blood samples from a regal cheetah and two massive rhinos, and hand-capturing the fastest-striking snake in Africa, the Gaboon viper. Along the way, he sees the effects of human intrusion on animal habitats — and the potential for disastrous encounters.
onald travels to Swaziland in search of the berg adder.
Donald Schultz works with scientists in a race against time to save sharks from extinction.