Aaron threatens Eighth with killing him, unless he has a reason not to do so. Aaron says he was in Courage with the mission to find the lost legislator "Kala," owned by Apostle Joshua. Aaron says that he will understand that they have good intentions if they accompany him to The Vigil to find him, so the group leaves behind Tornillo (who refuses to enter The Vigil) and they accompany Aaron on his mission.
Already within the Vigil, Victra is attacked by some ghosts, being saved by Aid, an old woman in a somewhat special wheelchair, who tells them that the legislator they are looking for could be close. They follow her to a dungeon, in which they separate from Aaron. Once inside the dungeon, Auxilios takes off the sapphire and is attacked by creatures with psychic abilities, who are defeated with the help of Aid. Afterwards, Auxilios returns the sapphire and together they leave La Vigilia
Aaron amenaza a Octavo con matarle, a no ser que le de una razón para no hacerlo. Aaron dice que estaba en Valentía con la misión de encontrar el legislador perdido "Kala", propiedad del apóstol Joshua. Aaron dice que entenderá que tienen buenas intenciones si le acompañan a La Vigilia a encontrarlo, así, el grupo deja atrás a Tornillo (que se niega a entrar a La Vigilia) y acompañan a Aaron en su misión.
Ya dentro de la Vigilia, Victra es atacada por unos fantasmas, siendo salvada por Auxilios, una anciana en una silla de ruedas un tanto especial, que les dice que el legislador que andan buscando podría estar cerca. La siguen hasta una mazmorra, en la que se separan de Aaron. Ya dentro de la mazmorra, Auxilios les quita el zafiro y son atacados por unas criaturas con capacidades psiquicas, que son derrotadas con la ayuda de Auxilios. Posteriormente, Auxilios les devuelve el zafiro y juntos salen de La Vigilia.