Chen opens a Chinese restaurant called Genbumon, a reference to his former, Genbu unit of Zeng Dao Hui. Ryo volunteers Xiang Ying and Xin Hong to be his waiters since there aren't any requests on the message board. The two ex-assassins initially have difficulty understanding the process of serving others or the reason for dining out, because previously they always ate alone and quickly to minimize their vulnerability to attack. However, Xiang Ying and Xin Hong easily defend the restaurant from disruptive yakuza, especially after they realize the staff are ex Zeng Dao Hui operatives. The yakuza boss even leaves Mochiyama to assist in the restaurant. Later, Ryo teaches them about the enjoyment of eating slowly together with your loved ones.
Xiang-Ying et Xin-Hong, élevés depuis leur plus jeune âge pour devenir des machines à tuer, ne savent pas comment mener une vie quotidienne normale : manger ensemble, etc. Ryô, qui s'en inquiète, les fait embaucher dans le restaurant chinois que le chambellan Chen, de la Zheng Dao Hui, vient d'ouvrir à proximité. Même en voyant les clients prendre leurs repas en devisant joyeusement, Xiang-Ying ne comprend pas quel plaisir ils peuvent bien en tirer. C'est alors que le boss du cartel Nehori et son second, Mochiyama, arrivent au restaurant pour en imposer le racket.
Xiang Ying e Xin Hong vengono convinti a lavorare per un giorno nel nuovo ristorante cinese gestito del vecchio Chen. La presenza di un boss locale movimenterà l’inaugurazione.