Glass Heart becomes acquainted with Ryo in Umibozu's café, but the Qing Long, the infantry branch of Zheng Dao Hui led by Zhao, are close behind. The two manage to escape and lead the soldiers of Qing Long through the locked down the streets of Kabukichou area in Shinjuku. As they are chased, Glass Heart tells Ryo to save himself and kill her, but he replies that she has been given a second chance to live which she should cherish. Ryo communicates with Saeko through the city surveillance system and offers to lead the pursuers to a hotel in a deserted area where the Special Assault Team (SAT) can engages them without endangering the citizens.
Glass Heart retrouve enfin Ryô. C'est le moment que choisit l'unité d'élite du Dragon Bleu pour lancer l'assaut, mais les deux parviennent à s'enfuir de justesse. Les combattants du Dragon Bleu investissent le quartier de Shinjuku à la recherche de Glass Heart. Ryô, après s'être armé, l'emmène avec lui et attire leurs ennemis vers un certain endroit. Alors que Ryô risque sa vie pour la protéger, celle-ci lui conseille de "la tuer pour leur remettre son cadavre", et lui annonce qu'elle est venue pour "lui rendre son cœur".
Lo squadrone Qinglong lancia il suo assalto contro Ryo e Glass Heart. Quest'ultima dovrà decidere se combattere da sola o a fianco dello sweeper.