Upon hearing Umibozu's statement that Kaori has returned, Saeba Ryo prowls the streets of Shinjuku, aimlessly looking for Kaori. At the same time, Glass Heart, with a whole-hearted desire to meet Ryo, uncovers clues about the secret message board code "XYZ" to contact City Hunter. She goes to the location of the message board at Shinjuku Station guided by visions of Kaori, however the board has been removed because it is no longer used. Glass Heart loses hope of meeting City Hunter and faints, but before she hits the ground, Ryo arrives and catches her, then takes her to a local clinic.
Umibôzu a prévenu Ryô Saeba que Kaori est de retour. Ryô erre dans Shinjuku en espérant la trouver. Pendant ce temps, Glass Heart qui souhaite elle aussi le retrouver à tout prix, cherche à percer le secret du code "XYZ". Après avoir entendu qu'en écrivant ces lettres sur un tableau de messages de la gare de Shinjuku, on pouvait rencontrer Ryô Saeba, le City Hunter, elle part à sa recherche guidée par l'ombre de Kaori.
Glass Hearth vaga per Shinjuku di notte mentre la sigla "XYZ" si insinua nella sua mente. Il legame con Kaori diventa sempre più forte ma l’incontro con Ryo è ormai prossimo.