Die Totenwelt-Front hat ihre Mission erfüllt. Es ist Zeit Abschied zu nehmen…
Three days after the shadows incident, only Otonashi, Yuri, Kanade, Hinata and Naoi remain, the others having already passed on. Per Kanade's idea, they hold a graduation ceremony, where they thank each other for their support. After the ceremony ends, Naoi takes his leave. Yuri makes her peace with Kanade before she leaves, followed shortly by Hinata. With Otonashi and Kanade left, Otonashi suggests that they could stay together to help others who come into the afterlife world, revealing in the process that he is in love with her. Kanade is hesitant to respond, as her one regret was never saying thanks to Otonashi, whose heart kept her alive in the real world due to the donor card he left behind when he died. Kanade thanks him and disappears in his arms, as Otonashi cries over the disappearance of his newfound love. Otonashi passes on shortly after. In an epilogue, in the world of the living, a girl resembling Kanade is humming "My Song" when a boy resembling Otonashi happens to pass by and recognizes the melody. When the girl turns to walk away, the boy chases after her to tap on her shoulder.
Lorsqu'elle se réveille après sa dangereuse mission en solo, Yuri réalise que ses amis survivants du front de bataille ont trouvé une certaine paix.
Ahora que ha terminado todo, es hora de que los miembros restantes del Frente pongan en orden sus vidas y se vayan de una vez por todas.
在「影子」襲擊事件3天之後絕大多數成員紛紛消失在死後世界,只留下音無、百合、奏、日向和直井等人。在奏的想法下眾人決定他們舉行畢業典禮,並互相感謝彼此之間的支持。在唱出隊歌、頒發畢業證書、以及發表感言之後典禮宣告結束,直井首先在感謝音無的幫助後消失。隨後百合向奏說出道歉的話語,並認為兩人應該可以更早成為好友,在與音無和日向揮別後也消失。隨後不久日向也感謝音無對於死後世界戰線的協助後消失,而音無與奏兩人則離開體育館交談。這時音無建議他們兩人或許可以繼續住在死後世界,並不斷幫助其他進入死後世界的人安然進入來世。同時在這個過程中音無向奏表白,然而奏對於音無的建議並不願回應。原來奏的遺憾是生前接受音無逝世時所捐贈心臟而存活、卻一直無法向本人說聲感謝。在音無的擁抱之下奏表達自己的感謝並自懷裡消失,而這時已愛上奏的音無則不斷的哭泣。在尾聲中重新轉到現實世界之中,一個外觀與奏十分相像的女孩在街上哼唱著岩澤消失前所唱的《My Song》,而這時另一個與音無長得相像的男孩經過並認出旋律。當女孩漸漸離去時,男孩開始追逐女孩並伸出他的手準備搭在肩膀上。
Risvegliatasi dalla pericolosa missione in solitario, Yuri scopre che i suoi amici sopravvissuti del Fronte del mondo dei morti sembrano aver trovato una sorta di pace.
Wanneer Yuri wakker wordt na haar gevaarlijke solomissie, ziet ze dat haar overgebleven vrienden in Battlefront een soort vrede lijken te hebben gevonden.