Die nächste Operation steht an. Ziel ist die Invasion des Engelsektors. Externes Mitglied des Operationsteams ist diesmal ein bleichgesichtiges Hackergenie, namens Christus...
Yuri decides to have Girls Dead Monster distract Angel long enough to sneak into her room and crack the password on her computer, but Yuri does not think the new ballad called "My Song" the band's vocalist and guitarist Iwasawa wrote would be useful for the operation. While taking a break from shooting practice, Otonashi hears Girls Dead Monster playing and talks with Iwasawa while the band is taking a break. Iwasawa tells Otonashi how her parents used to always fight and music was her only escape. After she graduated high school and left home, Iwasawa began to follow her dream of making music and soon showed promise. Unknown to her, an old head injury caused during her parents fighting developed into a stroke and subsequently her death. When Yuri's operation begins, Girls Dead Monster starts playing in the auditorium while the others, with the aide of the hacker Takeyama (who likes to be referred to by his username "Christ"), break into Angel's room and hack her computer. Girls Dead Monster are soon subdued by several teachers, but Iwasawa breaks free and begins playing "My Song", but disappears after she is finished. This indicates that one does not necessarily have to obey Angel in order to disappear. The SSS learn that Angel is not getting her powers from God but is making them herself, the same way that the team is creating weapons.
Avec l'aide de Christ, un pirate informatique de génie, Yuri et le front de bataille s'immiscent dans l'antre de l'Ange pour dérober des secrets sur son disque dur.
天使の警戒を予想するゆりから大々的な陽動を頼まれたGirls Dead Monsterの岩沢は、体育館を占拠した前代未聞の告知ライブへ向けリハーサルを続ける。
Los muchachos del Frente necesitan infiltrase en el territorio de Ángel, así que no dudarán en recurrir a la ayuda de Girls Dead Monster, el grupo de música de la escuela.
百合決定與死後世界戰線一同偷偷潛入「天使」的房間並破解其電腦的密碼,而這次作戰便需要「Girls Dead Monster」來舉辦大型演唱會以分散「天使」的注意力。然而百合認為作為樂團主唱兼吉他手的岩澤麻美所創作的新歌《My Song》,其民謠曲風並不適合這次作戰的進行。另一方面音無在射擊訓練的空檔聽到「Girls Dead Monster」的表演,並趁樂團休息時與岩澤進行交談。岩澤告訴音無自己生前父母親總是不停爭吵,而音樂成了她唯一的逃生出口。原本她希望在高中畢業之後離家獨立生活,然而由於受到父母的爭吵波及使得大腦受到撞擊,最終因為大腦損傷而在不能再次歌唱的情況下逝世。隨著「Girls Dead Monster」於體育館的表演開始後,百合以及其他的死後世界戰線也按照任務計畫同時闖入「天使」的房間,並在黑客竹山的協助下成功入侵電腦。然而「Girls Dead Monster」的表演活動很快被被數名老師所制止,此時岩澤強硬解除老師的阻擋並開始演唱《My Song》,在彈完自己昔日夢想中想要發表的音樂後於大量觀眾眼前消失。而岩澤的消失說明在死後世界裡,並不一定只有按照「天使」的要求才會消失;同時百合也從電腦裡的資料中發現「天使」的能力並非是從「神」手中所獲得,而是如同他們一樣自己利用軟體來創造種種的能力。
Con l'aiuto di un geniale hacker conosciuto come Christ, Yuri e il Fronte del mondo dei morti decidono di entrare nel covo dell'Angelo e rubare i segreti dal suo hard disk.
Met de hulp van de geniale hacker Christ besluiten Yuri en het Battlefront om in te breken in Angels schuilplaats en geheime informatie te stelen van haar harde schijf.