All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Andy and the Blue Whale

    • February 10, 2020
    • BBC

    Mr Hammond tries to take a picture of a blue whale, but gets too close - all that can be seen is a patch of blue! Andy heads to the Atlantic Ocean in his safari sub to get a new photo, learning all about the blue whale and its immense size in the process - but will he be able to take his picture and make it back in time?

  • S01E02 Andy and the Sea Kraits

    • February 11, 2020
    • BBC

    Andy goes to Niue Island in the South Pacific to find out where sea kraits lay their eggs. Mr Hammond is keen to impress his brother, sea-life expert Professor Hammond, with an undersea fact. So Andy helps out by investigating the one fact the Professor doesn't know: where the sea kraits of Niue Island lay their eggs. His journey features an elaborate sea krait dance and takes him deep into the caverns underneath the island

  • S01E03 Andy and the Mudskippers

    • February 12, 2020
    • BBC

    When Andy inadvertently destroys some special, nutrient-rich mud for Safari World's new mudskippers, he has to find some more to replace it. He heads to the coast of southern Japan, where he encounters jumping mudskippers and a hidden egg burrow.

  • S01E04 Andy and the Wood Ducks

    • February 13, 2020
    • BBC

    After Safari World's wood duck chicks get stuck in a hole halfway up a tall tree, Andy travels to North America to see how they deal with such a problem in the wild. After running into a hungry rat snake, two alligators and a star-nosed mole, Andy makes a surprising discovery about wood ducks.

  • S01E05 Andy and the Galapagos Sea Lions

    • February 14, 2020
    • BBC

    At the opening of Safari World's new Galapagos dome, Andy finds that he can't answer a question about sea lions. So he travels across the world in his safari sub to find out how they deal with flies. But how will he reach the shore to get a closer look? And can he get back to Safari World before his talk begins?

  • S01E06 Andy and the Sarcastic Fringehead

    • February 17, 2020
    • BBC

    Mr Hammond needs a picture of the sarcastic fringehead for his book about funny fish. But this aggressive fish, so-called for its large antennae, doesn't have a picture in the Safari World database. It's up to Andy to travel to the Californian coast to find one - but can he navigate the shells, octopuses and an angry fringehead to get a photo in time?

  • S01E07 Andy and the Flamingos

    • February 18, 2020
    • BBC

    Mr Hammond has painted a picture of some flamingos and asks Andy to look after it. But when Andy tries to stand on one leg like a flamingo, he accidentally spills blue paint all over the painting! In order to put things right, Andy heads to the Andes to find some flamingos and make a replacement painting. But disaster strikes when a huge dust devil greets him on his arrival...

  • S01E08 Andy and the Damselflies

    • February 19, 2020
    • BBC

    Andy is giving a talk on flying insects. His preparations are going well - until Mr Hammond asks him to pay special attention to where the damselfly lays its eggs. A flummoxed Andy heads to a river in the South of France, and after meeting a harvest mouse, a barn owl and a hungry frog, manages to find a pregnant damselfly and learn all about where they lay their eggs.

  • S01E09 Andy and the Glass Frog

    • February 20, 2020
    • BBC

    Andy is put in charge of caring for the frogspawn of the glass frog - but he has no idea how to look after it! So he embarks on a trip to Costa Rica in search of some wild glass frogs. After encountering a basilisk lizard and a hungry cricket, Andy finally meets one of the tiny amphibians and learns the secret to looking after their eggs.

  • S01E10 Andy and the Weddell Seals

    • February 21, 2020
    • BBC

    Mr Hammond has just returned from a trip to Antarctica, where he set up a webcam to observe a Weddell seal and her newborn pup. But there's a problem with the webcam that stops Jen from getting a signal. Andy travels down to Antarctica to fix things - but finds that the ice is melting faster than it used to due to climate change, and the webcam is now floating on the water. It's up to Andy to retrieve the camera, find the seals and bring the footage home.

  • S01E11 Andy and the Bottlenose Dolphins

    • February 24, 2020
    • BBC

    Jen has launched several flying camera drones that beam images of animals from across the globe back to Safari World. Mr Hammond notices some strange mud circles above the Atlantic Ocean - what animal could be making them? Andy decides to investigate and heads off to the coast of Florida to find out. Along the way, he meets some Cassiopeia jellyfish, razor fish and a pod of bottlenose dolphins.

  • S01E12 Andy and the Caimans

    • February 25, 2020
    • BBC

    When Andy accidently breaks Mr Hammond’s precious caiman eggshell, he heads to the lakes of Bolivia to find a new one and put things right. Although he manages to find a group of baby caimans in a nursery pool, the young reptiles and their mother have to travel across the grasslands to avoid the many hungry egrets..

  • S01E13 Andy and the Chinstrap Penguins

    • February 26, 2020
    • BBC

    Jen is away on a trip to the Amazon, so leaves behind her robotic assistant Sarah to look after things. But when Sarah accidentally deletes the file containing the call of the chinstrap penguin, Andy has to get to Antarctica to re-record again - with the leading expert on the penguins arriving any minute! Andy manages to find a chinstrap penguin, but there are many obstacles in their way before the penguin can lead Andy to the rest of its family - a chunk of ice, a leopard seal and a flock of skua birds...

  • S01E14 Andy and the Pygmy Gecko

    • February 27, 2020
    • BBC

    Andy is excited because Mr Hammond has just released some pygmy geckos into the Amazon dome. But he is also worried - they're so small that they could easily get washed away in the dome's flood cycle. On Jen's advice, Andy heads down to the Brazilian rainforest to find one in the wild and see how it deals with water - but first he has to navigate a caiman, river dolphins and a capybara...

  • S01E15 Andy and the Hawksbill Turtles

    • February 28, 2020
    • BBC

    Jen has set up a live video feed to the island of Barbados to see the hatching of some baby Hawksbill turtles. Andy and Mr Hammond settle down to watch them as they emerge from a clutch of eggs buried deep in the sand. But they soon notice a problem - the baby turtles are all headed the wrong way, away from the guiding light of the moon and away from the ocean! It's up to Andy to figure out the problem and save the day - but can he do that without Mr Hammond seeing him on the feed?

Season 2

  • S02E01 Andy and the Green Sea Turtles

    • February 15, 2021

    There is a turtle expert visiting the Safari World aquarium. Mr Hammond is on a scuba diving holiday in Borneo, so it’s up to Andy to ensure everything is ready for their arrival. Andy does a great job making the aquarium looking its best, but when Mr Hammond asks Andy if he has cleaned the green sea turtles, Andy is a little confused as he thought they cleaned themselves. Mr Hammond informs Jen and Andy that green sea turtles get clean by letting little fish nibble away the dirt and parasites on their skin and shell. However, he neglects to tell them what kind of fish, so Andy decides to find out for himself. It’s time to go on an aquatic adventure! Andy blasts off through a magic portal in his safari-sub and heads to a beautiful coral reef off the coast of Borneo

  • S02E02 Andy and the Fur Seal Pup

    • February 16, 2021

    Mr Hammond is on a wildlife trip in New Zealand, and Andy is eager to hear what animals he has spotted. Jen and Andy call Mr Hammond from the Aqua Base, who answers their call standing in a river, wearing full fishing gear. He informs Jen and Andy that he has seen killer whales and is fishing for trout. Suddenly, there is a barking noise and Mr Hammond looks in disbelief as he sees a fur seal pup disappear into the forest. Andy reassures a distressed Mr Hammond that he and Jen will investigate why the seal pup is making its way into the forest. It’s time to go on an aquatic adventure! Donning his adventure gear, Andy takes to the skies in his safari-mobile, jetting off to the south island of New Zealand.

  • S02E03 Andy and the Waved Albatross

    • February 17, 2021

    Jen has just got back from a bird-spotting trip in the Galapagos Islands, and Andy is keen to learn how it went. Jen tells Andy that thanks to the pocket bird book Mr Hammond lent her she was able to spot lots of sea birds she had never seen before. Andy is interested in the book and asks to see it, but unfortunately on the last day of Jen’s trip a waved albatross swopped down and carried it away. Mr Hammond calls from his new office in the Galapagos dome and is wearing ear protectors due to a peculiar loud noise which he’d like them to investigate. He also asks Jen for his bird book so that he can do some bird spotting from his new office. Andy informs Mr Hammond that Jen is still unpacking so will bring the bird book over shortly. It’s time to go on an aquatic adventure! Andy has to figure out the answer to where the strange noise is coming from and find the pocket bird book before Mr Hammond calls for an update.

  • S02E04 Andy and the Baby Alligators

    • February 18, 2021

    Mr Hammond has been up all night in the Jungle Den at Safari World looking through his tape collection of animal sounds he recorded on a trip down the mighty Mississippi river in North America. Andy offers to help so that Mr Hammond can have a nap before the opening of the new alligator zone. Mr Hammond agrees, but he forgets to tell Andy what animal sound he is looking for. Andy puts a tape in the old cassette player, which plays a high-pitched squeaking noise. Thinking it's broken Andy attempts to fix it with a screwdriver and damages it. Suddenly, Mr Hammond returns having remembered what animal sound he wanted Andy to look for. It was the sound of a baby alligator, which Mr Hammond describes as a high-pitched squeaking. Andy realises that the tape he has just broken was in fact the tape with the baby alligator sound. Calling Jen, Andy asks for her help, but she can only find a recording of an adult alligator on the park database. Andy decides to re-record the sound. It’s time to go on an aquatic adventure! Donning his adventure gear, Andy takes to the skies in his safari-mobile, jetting off to the Mississippi river to make a new recording. But will Andy make it back before the opening of the new alligator zone?

  • S02E05 Andy and the Weedy Sea Dragon

    • February 19, 2021

    Mr Hammond has been taking photos with his new camera for an underwater sea-creatures exhibit happening at Safari World. Jen has been downloading them in the Aqua Base. When Andy and Jen are looking through them, they suddenly notice that instead of a picture of a weedy sea dragon hatching, there is a picture of Mr Hammond grinning awkwardly at the camera. He’s inadvertently taken a picture of himself instead of the weedy sea dragon. Just then, Mr Hammond calls to see how the downloading of the photos is going and specifically asks if they have seen his picture of the weedy sea dragon. A famous photographer is coming to open the exhibit and Mr Hammond wants to show her his photo of a baby sea dragon. Realising Mr Hammond’s mistake, Jen informs him that they are still downloading the images and will send the picture over as soon as she can. But what will they do? The sea dragons have already hatched at Safari World. It’s time to go on an aquatic adventure! Andy boards his safari-sub, a hi-tech underwater submersible capable of travelling to any location on the planet in the blink of an eye. Arriving off the coast Australia, Andy sees hundreds of male cuttlefish that have come to southern Australia to find a mate. He witnesses the males changing the colour of their skin in order to attract a mate. When Andy finds a newly hatched weedy sea dragon, will he manage to snap the perfect photo of it and make it back before the opening of the exhibition?

  • S02E06 Andy and the Walrus Pups

    • February 22, 2021

    Safari World is opening the Arctic Dome to visitors, and Mr Hammond has chosen animal costumes for Andy and Jen to wear while they show people around. Jen informs Mr Hammond and Andy that there is trouble in the Arctic Dome with the walruses not having enough space due to a recent baby boom. Mr Hammond is worried that the walrus pups will get squished and can’t work out why there is not enough space. Andy suggests Mr Hammond goes and entertains the visitors while he and Jen work out what’s wrong. It’s time to go on an aquatic adventure!

  • S02E07 Andy and the Common Octopus

    • February 22, 2021

    Blasting off in his safari-sub, Andy heads to the coast of South Africa to see where octopus in the wild like to hide. Along the way, he comes across a hungry pyjama shark.

  • S02E08 Andy and the Storm Petrel

    • February 22, 2021

    Andy heads to the Galapagos Islands in search of a storm petrel. Along the way, he goes flying with some blue-footed boobies and escapes from a hungry short-eared owl.

  • S02E09 Andy and the Tusk Fish

    • February 22, 2021

    Andy blasts off in his safari-sub heading to the Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia in search of a clam-eating tusk fish. Along the way, he meets a Zebra Mantis Shrimp.

  • S02E10 Andy and the African Elephants

    • February 22, 2021

    Andy jets off to the river Nile in Africa in search of elephants. Along the way, he meets a weaver bird, a monitor lizard and has a run in with an angry crocodile.

  • S02E11 Andy and the Saddleback Clown Fish

    • March 1, 2021

    When the saddleback clownfish leave the safety of their carpet anemone home back at Safari World, Andy travels to the Great Barrier Reef in Australia to find out why.

  • S02E12 Andy and the Bald Eagles

    • March 1, 2021

    When Mr Hammond’s bald eagle feather is damaged, Andy jets off in his safari-mobile to Alaska in search of another. Along the way, he meets a brown bear fishing for salmon.

  • S02E13 Andy and the Sooty Tern

    • March 1, 2021

    Andy heads to the Galapagos Islands in search of a seabird called a sooty tern. Along the way, he meets a fish called a trevally that leaps out of the water trying to catch birds.

  • S02E14 Andy and the Amazon Cichlid

    • March 1, 2021

    Andy takes to the skies in his safari-mobile, jetting off to the Amazon River in Brazil in search of a rare cichlid fish. Along the way, he has a run in with a hungry stingray.

  • S02E15 Andy and the Sea Urchins

    • March 1, 2021

    Andy blasts off on an aquatic adventure to California to see how kelp forests in the wild deal with urchins. Along the way, he meets a fish called a garibaldi and some sea otters.