An ancient wooden chest covered with beaten gold... a Hollywood prop or historical fact? Could the elaborate metalwork described in the Bible actually be completed by a tribe of refugees shuffling through the Sinai Desert? If the ark did exist - where is it now? A group of rabbis clam they found it in a 1981 excavation... but when will they ease open the lid and what waits inside?
The triumph of David over Goliath - any unlikely victory celebrated as a sign of God's strength... but did it really happen? Is it fact or legend? Was there a giant named Goliath and a real David? Did they in fact duel to the death? Could a shepherd's sling and small stone plucked from a brook kill such a mighty warrior? A surprised demonstration will amaze you!
A sudden global flood sends seas and rivers ripping over their banks. Torrents of rain cascade down. An untested wooden ship is supposed to withstand the screaming winds and waves - for an entire year? Absurd... or is it? How could Noah build such a huge ship? Did ancients have the technology? How could the ark hold all the animals? Startling new oceanographic tests point to inescapable conclusions...
He's one of the Bible's most colorful characters. Proud, impulsive, vengeful... but was he real? Could one man topple an entire Philistine temple and kill a thousand enemies with the jawbone of a donkey? Could such a hero allow himself to be betrayed by Delilah? It depends... New architectural discoveries add a surprising twist to Samson's story...
Is it the burial cloth that covered Jesus in the tomb? A silent witness of the greatest event in history? Or is it a fraud? An elaborate hoax that has fooled millions for centuries? What secrets does it keep? Now evidence gathered from 44 scientific studies has been weighed and the chilling truth can be told!
Two cities scorched into oblivion as fire and brimstone pour down from the sky... and only one man and his family escape the disaster. "Impossible", say critics. But recent archaeological digs say otherwise. See for yourself: Do ancient bones, pottery, and ashes sifted from stony ground south of the Dead Sea have a story to tell the world today?
A spiraling tower rises above the city of Babylon - until God scatters both its bricks and builders... Fact or fiction? Could such a structure really have been built? If so, how did it vanish without a trace... or has it? What about the Bible's claim that all races and languages sprang from one remote corner of Mesopotamia? Consider startling new evidence and the chilling news that the town may again be under construction... as was prophesied thousands of years ago.
Jericho... one of the world's oldest and most mysterious cities. Could its fortress walls suddenly collapse at a mere trumpet blast? The rushing waters of the Jordan River miraculously stop flowing to give advancing Israelites an attack route to the city? Skeptics say no... but silent witnesses recently unearthed from ancient Jericho say otherwise...
Tow stone tablets inscribed by the finger of God... disappear. Where are they now? Lost in the dust of history - or lying in a dark cavern beneath a political hotbed? Precisely where is the authentic Mount Sinai? A recent archaeological expedition raises questions and an explosive possibility...
A burning bush appears on a rocky hillside. A sign from God... or the hallucination of a sun struck shepherd? Nearly 2 million refugees scramble across the Red Sea on a mysterious ridge of dry land - then watch a pursuing Egyptian army drown... a miracle or mirage? Discover the amazing truth!
Did Jesus Walk the Earth
Where Are the Lost Bible Treasures
What Killed the Dinosaurs
Who Actually Wrote the Bible
Was Mary Magdalene a Saint or Sinner
Have We Found the Garden of Eden
Can Anyone Have an Angel Encounter
Is There Really Power in Prayer
Adam and Eve - Fact or Fiction
What Do We Know About Our Ancient Ancestors
Will We Be Left Behind
Can the Bible Code Predict the Future
What Lies Beyond the Light
The Miracle of Christmas
What is the Real Story of Christmas
Where Was Jesus All Those Years