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Season 2020

  • S2020E01 The Mesoamerican Calendar

    • March 18, 2020

    Ancient Mesoamerica had one of the most incredible calendars ever devised. Discover how they created and used this calendar to track their history and the cosmos.

  • S2020E02 The Norte Chico and the Peruvian Preceramic

    • April 16, 2020

    How did simple fishermen and farmers on the Peruvian coast create the foundation for all later Andean culture? Find out as we discuss the Norte Chico civilization and how they influenced later civilizations to come.

  • S2020E03 The Olmec Legacy

    • May 31, 2020

    The Olmec were the first great civilization of Mesoamerica. Despite being late comers, they bloomed with incredible speed and left an enduring legacy across all of Central America.

  • S2020E04 The Decipherment of Maya Script

    • June 23, 2020

    Why did Maya writing remain undecipherable for so long and how was it finally cracked? Find out how this long enigmatic script was finally deciphered and how centuries of recorded Maya history were unlocked.

  • S2020E05 Poverty Point: Archaic Anomaly?

    • August 4, 2020

    Poverty Point is the earliest city in North America the largest for centuries. What made such an impressive city possible at a time with no equal. Find out how and why Poverty Point was the anomaly of North America's Archaic period.

  • S2020E06 Chavin De Huantar and the Religious Revolution

    • September 15, 2020

    Chavin de Huantar dominated the Early Horizon period of Andean history. But why did one small highland city exert such a tremendous influence over the northern Peruvian coast?

  • S2020E07 Maize: The Engine of American Civilization

    • October 15, 2020

    Maize is one of humanity's most incredible achievements and it allowed Ancient American culture to blossom and thrive. Discover the fascinating story of this plant and how it transformed the Americas.

  • S2020E08 Finding America: The Arrival of the First Americans (OLD VIDEO)

    • November 20, 2020

    Who were the first Americans and how did they arrive in the Americas? The settlement of the Americas is one of the most studied and enigmatic topics in Ancient American history and not without controversy. Find out why this simple question is so puzzling to so many scientists and archaeologists.

Season 2021

  • S2021E01 The Popol Vuh: The Maya Story of Creation

    • February 1, 2021

    Explore the Maya story of creation as recorded by the K'iche Maya and see how the Maya saw the world around them.

  • S2021E02 Tiwanaku Part 1: The City

    • March 7, 2021

    In the first millennium CE, one city was ascending to unseen heights in the Lake Titicaca basin, the city of Tiwanaku. Find out what makes the site of Tiwanaku so amazing and how it became a thriving cultural center in the southern Andes.

  • S2021E03 Tiwanaku Part 2: The Empire?

    • April 28, 2021

    Tiwanaku was a cultural powerhouse that left a staggering legacy in Andean culture. Tiwanaku is often called an empire, but was that really the case?

  • S2021E04 Old Copper Culture: North America's Forgotten Metal Workers

    • May 12, 2021

    The Keweenaw Peninsula furnished eastern North America with the highest quality copper for millennia. Find out how archaic peoples took advantage of the copper in their environment and how it shaped their culture.

  • S2021E05 Teotihuacan: Where One Becomes a God

    • June 11, 2021

    The ancient city of Teotihuacan is one of the greatest cities ever constructed in the Americas. It was a city that was remembered by subsequent cultures long after it was abandoned. Because it was never inhabited again, archaeologists can explore the entire city and try to reconstruct the life and history of this magnificent site. Let’s find out what made Teotihuacan such a spectacular city and culture.

  • S2021E06 The Hohokam: Triumph in the Desert

    • July 20, 2021

    All over Arizona lay the ruins of Hohokam art and architecture and engineering. Find out how small farming communities came together to master the Arizona desert and create a thriving and adaptive culture.

  • S2021E07 Marajoara Culture: How to thrive in the Amazon

    • August 15, 2021

    How does a culture thrive in the Amazon? For over half a millennium, Marajoara culture flourished at the mouth of the Amazon river and left the world with some of the most beautiful artwork of the Americas. Discover why this culture was misunderstood and how it’s critical reevaluation in the past 40 years has revolutionized our understanding of the pre-columbian Amazon.

  • S2021E08 The Rise of the Maya: Preclassic Brilliance

    • September 23, 2021

    Long before the Classic Period of Maya Civilization, great cities, beautiful art and powerful kings were emerging in the Maya region. Often overlooked, the Preclassic period saw the Maya create some of their greatest achievements in history and develop critical components of their culture. Discover how the Maya bloomed late but brilliantly.

  • S2021E09 Nezahualcoyotl: Texcoco’s Warrior Poet, Philosopher and King

    • November 8, 2021

    One of Mesoamerica’s most famous rulers cultivated a reputation as a courageous warrior, a talented poet and artist and a wise ruler. He led a life of exile and triumph. Discover the thrilling story of Nezahualcoyotl’s life and why his legacy persists to this day in Mexico.

Season 2022

  • S2022E01 Cahokia: Mississippian Metropolis

    • January 31, 2022

    Cahokia was the largest city ever built in the pre-columbian United States. Now a UNESCO World Heritage site, this city of great mounds and plazas continues to capture our imagination. Join me as I explore the Cahokia in detail and discover how it helped usher in a new Mississippian order across the Eastern United States.

  • S2022E02 Moche Culture

    • March 22, 2022

    The Moche are one of Peru’s best known ancient cultures who built towering cities and produced some of the most memorable art of the Americas. See how Moche culture is as complex as it is mysterious.

  • S2022E03 The Tarascan/Purépecha Empire: The Forgotten Empire of Mexico

    • May 6, 2022

    During the 14th century, an empire was founded in Western Mexico that is nearly forgotten today. The Iréchikwa Tzintzuntzani was one of the greatest empires in the Pre-Columbian Americas. Discover what made this empire so unique in Mesoamerica.

  • S2022E04 Potatoes: South America's Gift to the World

    • May 31, 2022

    Potatoes are a vegetable beloved by all. See how the potato emerged from obscurity into a vital food crop that feeds the world population and came to grace culinary traditions all over the world.

  • S2022E05 The Settlement of the Caribbean (A Part of Project Exploration)

    • July 15, 2022

    How did humans reach and settle the islands of the Caribbean? Check out how the exploration and settlement of the Caribbean defies expectations and is much more complicated than you might think.

  • S2022E06 The Incredible Journey of Moncacht Apé Across North America

    • August 4, 2022

    Was Moncacht Apé a real person? Did he actually travel the entire breadth of North America? We don't know for sure but it's a heck of a story either way. Explore the incredible account a Yazoo man's journey across an entire continent.

  • S2022E07 Dorset Culture and the Arctic Odyssey

    • September 4, 2022

    Dorset Culture was the culmination of a brilliant and long-lived pre-Inuit tradition in the Arctic. They overcame a punishing environment to produce exquisite art and a durable way of life. Join us and discover what makes the Dorset culture so fascinating.

  • S2022E08 The Trouble with Toltecs

    • October 12, 2022

    The Toltecs left a lasting legacy on Mesoamerica that is impressive but paradoxical. Were the Toltecs rulers of an empire or products of popular myth? What can history and archaeology tell us about this culture? Discover why the Toltec legacy is so troublesome to pin down.

  • S2022E09 Nazca Culture: Reading Between the Lines

    • November 20, 2022

    Most people that are aware of the Nazca associate them with the Nazca lines. Not enough people know about their artistic and engineering achievements. Today we take a look at the incredible breadth of Nazca culture and history.

Season 2023

  • S2023E01 The Evolution of the Pacific Northwest Coast: Abundance, Prosperity & Complexity

    • January 30, 2023

    The lush coast Pacific Northwest is home to some of North America’s most well-known nations who are renowned for their rich culture. Despite never using agriculture, these nations formed vibrant communities with very complex societies. Discover how these cultures developed over thousands of years.

  • S2023E02 Life in the Classic Maya Period: Majesty and Beauty

    • April 21, 2023

    The Maya Classic period is widely considered the golden age of the ancient Maya and saw incredible achievements in art, architecture and science. Let’s explore what made this time period so brilliant and why the classic period continues to fascinate the scholars and public today.

  • S2023E03 The History of Maya Cities: Part 1

    • May 30, 2023

    The lowland Maya left us hundreds of written inscriptions that recount the history of their cities, their kings and their wars. Let's explore this history in the first of three episodes.

  • S2023E04 Chaco Canyon and the Chaco Phenomenon

    • July 20, 2023

    Chaco Canyon has excited and baffled archaeologists for over a century. What makes one of the most famous and studied archaeological sites so enigmatic? Find out what made the Chaco Phenomenon such a unique moment in ancient history.

  • S2023E05 The Khipu (knot what you think...)

    • September 4, 2023

    The khipu (quipu) was an indigenous recording device made from knotted cords that were used for many different purposes for centuries. The history of khipus is a fascinating journey through thousands of years of sophistication and refinement. Join us to find out how khipus were used by the Wari and Inca to manage their empires.

  • S2023E06 The History of Maya Cities: Part II

    • October 26, 2023

    The late classic is widely considered the epitome of Maya culture and the history of this period is no less exciting. It was a time full of rises and falls, great kings and kings and conquests and betrayals.

  • S2023E07 The Ancient History of Chocolate

    • December 4, 2023

    Chocolate has an incredible story from the cacao tree to the chocolate that we love today. Discover chocolate’s long lost Mesoamerican history from its South American origins to its cultivation and rise in Mesoamerica.

Season 2024

  • S2024E01 The Settlement of the Americas: New Discoveries

    • February 1, 2024

    The arrival of humans into North and South America is an incredible event that scientists have been trying to illuminate for centuries. Recent discoveries have completely changed our understanding of this topic but have raised more questions.

  • S2024E02 The Muisca: Legends of Gold

    • March 4, 2024

    The Muisca are one of Colombia's most famous cultures because of their connection to gold and the legend of El Dorado. But the Muisca were far more complex than goldsmiths and created a flourishing culture. Discover this culture and it's conquest in this video.

  • S2024E03 Bison, People, and Plains

    • April 19, 2024

    Bison are icons of North American wildlife and have always played an important role to the survival of people on the Great Plains. Indigenous people in North America hunted and exploited bison in many incredible ways but also revered and respected these animals. They knew that when the bison thrived, so did they. In this episode, we will discuss the pre-colonial relationship between bison and humans on the Great Plains.

  • S2024E04 Ancient Life on the Great Plains

    • June 6, 2024

    The Great Plains are well-known for their indigenous traditions but also have a rich history that spans over ten thousand years. Contrary to what some people think, the plains were not a backwater but a rich and flourishing area with a diverse array of cultures that drew in outside influence and people and interacted with their neighbors. Join us as we explore the pre-columbian history of the Great Plains. A big thanks to my patrons for selecting this episode topic!

  • S2024E05 West Mexico and the Teuchitlán culture

    • July 29, 2024

    West Mexico is mysterious and often misunderstood. In some ways, a peripheral area and in other ways closely tied to the rest of Mesoamerica, West Mexico is a paradox. The Teuchitlán culture is the best known culture from this area and its beautiful art is a testament to its rich culture. Join us as we explore the Teuchitlán culture!