Rageh Omaar uncovers a tale of scientific advance and rich cultural influences that have had a profound impact on the way we are today, reveals how a flourishing Islamic culture was finally destroyed in Europe by ambition, betrayal and oppression and shows how the fall-out still resonates today. The journey begins in Spain.
It's a journey of discovery for Rageh, who as a Moslem has a personal interest in the matter. From challenging ideas that changed the way people thought to major works of geography that quite literally altered the shape of the world, the seeds of modern Europe can be traced back to this Moslem invasion over a thousand years ago.
Omaar discovers how a flourishing Islamic culture was destroyed by ambition, betrayal and oppression. He visits the last stronghold of Islam in Spain, Granada, and reveals how the fall-out from the final conflict still resonates today in the ongoing divide between East and West.