The series begins with the death of an accused witch in Maryland in the 17th century and its alleged impact on the area.
A South Carolina ghost called the Gray Man allegedly warns coastal residents of impending storms on Pawleys Island.
A voodoo curse in Louisiana is blamed for the destruction of a small town by a hurricane in 1915.
A 19th-century Florida colony for Roman Catholics is planned by diplomat Henry Stanford, but the community is doomed from the beginning.
A California ghost town is named for a miner who died in a blizzard in 1859.
A dam near Pasadena, Cal. is alleged to be a hotbed for paranormal activity and mysterious disappearances.
A female ghost in Maine haunts a coastal road that allegedly was the scene of a fatal accident.
A Greek portico pillar is in the center of one of Augusta, Georgia's most famous legends. In the 1800s, some believe a wandering preacher threatened that a great wind would destroy the town's bustling market except for one pillar.