With Halil's death and the remaining Turkish army scattered, Mahmut requests for Venedik to send supplies by sea, but they are intercepted by the L'isonlani's Boccanegra armada, who are working with Balt-Rhein. However, Venedik is able to win and breaks the blockade with the help of Doge Doria, who betrays the empire in favor gaining complete reign over L'isonlani and eliminating the rivaling Boccanegra family. Despite freeing the Centro from the empire's grasp, a large, nonseasonal storm hinders the Venedik fleet and prevents them from traveling to Chielo. After a month without any news from Venedik, Mahmut leaving to rally the Turkish forces, and many falling ill because of the storm, Chielo has reached their limit of their supplies. While Carvajal believes that Mahmut will pull through, a faction of distressed citizens rebels against Carvajal and plans to surrender the empire. With Mahmut gone, Kyros, Abiriga, and Erbach are left to prevent the dissenters from signalling any form of surrender to the empire and find where Carvajal is being locked up. Meanwhile, Mahmut and the remaining Turkish soldiers attack the Imperial army's base and steal back all their provisions. This causes Pineau to deploy most of the army to chase the Turks, who is able to avoid them for the next couple of days. Lily determines the Turks's route is drawing them near their ally's, Espada's, border and intercepts to them at Murmullo basin at high tide with their rafts. Once both armies reach the basin, Mahmut surprises the Imperial army by revealing that the other nations of Anti-Imperial Alliance and their armies has come to aid them in battle.
Après avoir vaincu l’armée torqyenne de Halil, l’armée impériale menée par Pino réquisitionne les provisions et maintient le siège de Chielo. La situation s’enlise, la nourriture se fait rare, les renforts de Venedik n’arrivent pas, et l’exaspération des habitants monte. Pour desserrer l’étau, Mahmut fuit Chielo et cherche à attaquer l’armée impériale avec Kurt et Ahmed.
L'Armata Imperiale guidata da Pino che aveva sconfitto l'Armata Torqyeana guidata da Halil, requisisce le provviste e continua l'assedio a Chielo. Con Chielo in stallo, le scorte di cibo terminano, le richieste di aiuto a Venedik non vanno in porto, e cresce il malcontento dei cittadini. Per interrompere lo stallo, Mahmut scappa da Chielo e prova ad attaccare l'Armata Imperiale con Kurt ed Ahmed.