After being newly appointed as Pasha, Mahmut spends some time at a festival with his friend, Ibrahim, and meets Shara, a dancer who Ibrahim is friends with. The next day, Mahmut is called into the Divan to discuss the Balt-Rhein Empire's demands after an empire minister, Franz, is found dead at Türkiye's border. One Pasha, Zağanos, knows this a ploy for the empire to invade Türkiye and proposes a preemptive strike at them. Wanting to avoid war, Mahmut investigates the incident and figures out that the arrows that killed Franz was made by Balt-Rhein. Meanwhile, Mahmut's mentor and foster father, Halil, volunteers to act as a scapegoat for the assassination as Prime Minister Louis (the instigator of the conspiracy) secretly orders his men to kill Halil before he arrives to the empire. Mahmut is able to outwit and apprehend the assassins, presenting them to Emperor Goldbalt XI and resolves the incident without any consequences. Undaunted by this failure, Louis begins manipulating the Araba Tribe to take over Hisar.
L’équilibre entre l’état militaire de Torqye et l’Empire du Balt-Rhin est menacé lorsque le ministre de l’Empire est assassiné à la zone frontalière des deux camps. Aussitôt, un ultimatum est lancé à la Torqye : livrer un officier à blâmer ou la guerre sera déclarée. Le pacha Mahmut soupçonne que l’assassinat est un coup monté. Son enquête le mène à faire une découverte...
Türkiye e Balt-Rhein ficam numa situação delicada quando o ministro do Império é assassinado perto da fronteira das duas nações. Balt-Rhein acusa Türkiye e exige que um representante seja enviado para assumir a responsabilidade. Senão, o ato será interpretado como guerra. Mahmut suspeita do assassinato e sente que as duas opções devem ser evitadas. Sua investigação o leva a uma descoberta...
L'equilibrio tra Torqye e l'impero di Balt-Rhein si spezza con l'assassinio, al confine delle due nazioni, del ministro dell'Impero. L'Impero di Balt-Rhein accusa quello di Torqye, ed esige che venga inviato un rappresentante a prendersene la responsabilità, o considererà il delitto un atto di guerra.